Ways to Find New Anime and Manga
I would hate finding anime that are just not you? That is such a waste of time and something you just don`t really need at all. This is because our time is important it is what we need in order to watch anime and read manga. Without our time everything will fall down, this entire hobby would be completely gone right?
First up!
Use My Animelist
This is a great way to keep track of all your Anime and Manga when you are watching them and reading them. I have used this all the time and found it to be very easy to keep an eye on all the Anime and Manga I am behind on. Also, the fact that I am always on the computer helps me because all I have to do is Log in and then I have something that has recorded of all the Anime stuff I need. It is easy to add things to it and delete things from it as well so overall it saves time and effort.
Use MangaFox
Here is a great website to use to keep an eye on new and old Manga around the clock. I usually use this place to look for Manga that I would enjoy based on my interests and you can do the same exact thing. Now, this place isn`t only to find out new and old Manga, but you can use it to look for new and old Anime, most of the Manga these days have Anime`s along with it. For example the Manga Deathnote it soon became an Anime once the Manga came out.
Other things that you can use are a little more simple and easier to use. These are just as affective if you ask me!
Use Email notification`s
Sign up with popular Anime sites email announcements! this is really important because getting news through email on when a new anime or manga is coming out gives you a perfect heads up. I have personally used this over and over again for example there was a new anime that came out this summer called "Deadman Wonderland" I heard about this Anime and Manga because of an Email I got from a popular Website it was great finding this anime because it is perfectly what type of anime I love. Popular sits you can use to get these type of emails will be Anime news Network, Animelovers411 , and Crunchyroll.
Use Subscribe
Subscribe to anything that includes feeds, Youtube Channels, Websites, and more. It is really important to sign up and sign into these type of things to stay on top of the new anime and updates that come with it all. I believe that I got most of my Anime`s and Manga`s from feeds from google and new updates from google. Also go to Anime Conventions they can help a lot as well!