Tips For Your First Marriage Dating Experience
How many times have you secretly dreamt that you and your spouse could go back to the days when you weren't married and all you cared about was finding new ways to love and have fun with each other? Here's another question: why can't you go back to that time? There's no reason why you can't.
There's no law that prohibits married couples from enjoying romantic and exciting dates so it's high time that you tried it for yourself.
The Benefits of Marriage Dating There are a number of benefits to enjoy when you have dates with your spouse.
R&R Is there any better way to spend R&R than spending quality time with your loved one? Sure, you could relax and enjoy recreational pursuits separately but if you allow this to happen to all the time, too much time apart could let doubts and insecurities enter your marriage.
Why not kill two birds with a single date instead? A date is just as effective in killing stress and with both of you together, you won't have any reason to worry about third parties as well.
Something New, Exciting, and Interesting A marriage date allows couples to explore new interests and pursuits.
It gives both of you something to look forward to and something to talk about.
Certainly, planning your marriage date would be more fun than talking endlessly about problems at work or your children's schooling.
A New Depth to Your Relationship Marriage dating also gives couples the opportunity to see hidden depths in each other and consequently deepen your appreciation for each other as well.
You can never know a person too well even if you've lived with each other for decades.
A person evolves over time, even just a little bit and even if he doesn't want to.
But it's possible that you won't notice such changes because you've deliberately kept yourselves to the same situation.
Marriage dating, however, takes you out of your comfort zone and it's in the outside world that you can see new facets to your spouse and discover new aspects to your marriage.
An Opportunity for Healing and Forgiveness Infidelity and drug addiction are just a few of the problems that even the best of marriages will find it difficult to overcome.
Recovering from such wounds take time and must not be hurried.
Marriage dating allows couples to heal at their own pace without hurting or breaking completely away from each other.
For couples who are temporarily living apart, marriage dating allows them to reconnect without pressuring either of them to get back together.
A date gives them the chance to get to know each other all over again and, hopefully, fall in love for a second time around as well.
How to Arrange a Date with Your Spouse Remember that the key to a perfect date remains the same for unmarried and married couples alike.
The best date is always an experience that offers mutual pleasure for both parties.
How much it costs and where it takes place are just secondary considerations.
Plan your date together.
Or at least do so for your first date as a married couple.
There is simply too much at stake to give one or the other completely free rein to plan your first date.
A disastrous date, even if it was planned with the very best of intentions, could put you off both the idea entirely.
Don't hurry.
Deciding that marriage dating would do you good may not have taken as much time but actually making it happen may not be as quick.
But that's okay.
There's no rush.
What's important is that both of you agree to trying it out.
Forcing the issue could only backfire and again, for a first date, that's something you shouldn't risk.
It's okay if your first marriage date would take weeks or months from now.
What you should make sure is that you do pick a specific date where both of you could completely disappear to the ends of the earth without having to worry about your children or work.
For a first date, reserving at least the entire day is a must - this will give you ample time to prepare and reach whatever destination you have in mind.
Weekends are even better.
Free yourself from obligations.
Now that you've picked out a date, do everything that's necessary to ensure you're completely worry-free on the day of your date.
Inform your employer about the day you plan to take a leave and impress upon him the need of keeping your appointment.
Make excuses if you have to.
Arrange for a relative to mind your children for the day but have Plans B and C ready in case this doesn't push through.
For that matter, have Plans B and C ready for all arrangements you make.
Give each other time to primp and pamper.
Yes, your husband is also required to brush up and look more scrumptious than usual.
A haircut and a shave would be basic but maybe you can convince him to buy new clothes, too.
As for yourself, splurge as much as you can afford and desire.
Have your hair and makeup done.
Buy new lingerie.
Don't think that you're overdoing it.
Consider everything you're doing or spending as an investment for a happy and long-lasting marriage.
Choose something new and fun for both of you.
Finally, your first date should promise a new experience for both of you.
It could be as simple as trying a new restaurant or going to your dream destination.
It could be a chance for you to develop a new hobby together or learn a new sport.
Anything goes as long as it's something both of you have not yet experienced but seems fun.
And the last rule for marriage dating? Do not cancel.
Only death and an actual threat from your boss on getting sacked are valid reasons to take a rain check.
But besides that, no other reason would be sufficient for canceling on your first marriage date.
It's that important!