How to Get Music on My iPod From Another Computer
- 1). Plug your iPod's charger cable into the iPod and a USB port on the new computer.
- 2). Open iTunes, or wait for it to open automatically, and wait a moment for the iPod to show up in the "Devices" list. Unplug the cord and plug it back in if iTunes doesn't recognize it right away. The iPod must be both on and have some charge. If prompted to sync with this new computer, click "Cancel."
- 3). Click on the iPod under "Devices," then the "Summary" tab above. Select the box next to "Manage manually." Click "Apply."
- 4). Get music from this computer by clicking on music or playlists in iTunes and dragging them to your iPod, releasing over the iPod. You can also drag files from the folders on the computer. Drag entire folders to transfer more quickly.
- 5). Leave the iPod plugged in while the new content loads.