How Should You Feel About Your Husband"s Cheating?
You're not alone. Many women FEEL this way when they get news like this. It's a blow and the only way for many women to handle the hurt is to sort of mentally step away from it. That doesn't mean that you aren't hurting or even that you're not hair pulling and teeth gnashing angry.
How Should Your Husband's Cheating Make You Feel?
But the real problem is that you don't have any idea how you SHOULD feel about your husband's cheating. It's not like there are any rules books or etiquette guides to help you out in this particular situation.
There isn't a society of women that celebrate being cheated on. In fact, most women are very reluctant to talk about it with other women. You've probably noticed that other women who have been cheated on by their husbands aren't even willing to discuss how it made them feel.
In other words, there is no specific way you are SUPPOSED to feel at a time like this. Unfortunately there are a few things that most women DO feel at a time like this and few of them are good for you or the sake of your marriage.
You feel GUILTY. This is one of the most common emotions among women who have been cheated on by their husbands. It's also the emotion that is the most SURPRISING at the time.
Guilt isn't something you expect to feel when your husband is the one who does the cheating. But it is how most women in this situation do in fact feel. You feel like you weren't GOOD enough. You weren't PRETTY enough. You didn't keep the house clean enough. You didn't have sex enough.
The list goes on and on and on. You place all the blame on your shoulders and you are sometimes overwhelmed by the pressing GUILT you feel.
You feel INVISIBLE. This is another emotion that surprises women but is very common among women in your situation. You feel as though you've suddenly become swallowed up by the world around you. You become lost in the chaos and invisible.
You feel invisible to your husband. Invisible in the mirror. You feel as if part of yourself has been lost along the way. You feel that you've sacrificed so much and worked so hard and that all that effort means nothing because you're invisible. Unloved, and unappreciated.
Oh there are the usual emotions that everyone expects. There's anger, resentment, pain, and even some degree of bitterness. Some women even experience apathy to some degree that frightens them and makes them wonder if they should even bother making it work or run the risk of leaving and then someday changing their minds.