Science Of Yoga

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The word "yoga" means "union" or "to yoke or join". Yogatatva Upanishad questions, "How can knowledge set the atma (soul) free without the practice of yoga? Yoga is thus the generic name for the several ancient treatise for attaining ecstatic states of self-transcendence. This union is about the individual consciousness joining with the Absolute, God, or Universal Consciousness. Yoga is a practical science of realization. Yoga is about preparing the body and mind for the soul to transcend into becoming one with the Absolute.
Sages of ancient India were great researchers. Their quest for attaining inner and outer harmony led to the evolution of Yoga. They understood that attaining bliss or peace also depends on the individual"s state of health, both physical and mental. Unless the body is free from any sort of ailments or suffering, it is difficult to calm the mind. In order to perfect the meditation, it is important to be disciplined to ensure both the body and mind are in sound condition. Be it through regulating one"s eating habits, sleeping schedule, or through "Asanas" to ensure physical fitness so as to maintain harmony within and without. The core difference between modern physical fitness programs and Yoga is that the latter harmonises or maintains the rhythm in physical postures with the rate of breathing and the inner mental calm and focus
Our ancient scriptures have described the most intricate philosophies by drawing lucid analogies. Mastery of the body is thus achieved by control of the senses or mind and which in turn is conditioned by the soul. The primary objective is the unison of self and the Self. It is oneness between the three "" the meditator, the object of meditation and meditation. The Upanishads relate to the practice of Yoga as a conscious inward quest for attaining Truth. In Katha Upanishad, Yoga is compared to a chariot in which the reasoning consciousness is the driver, and the body is the cart. It also explains that the highest condition of Yoga is a state when the mind and consciousness are fettered into immobility of perfection. It is thus a multi-faceted field of discipline.
Without Yoga it is inconceivable to think of practices during the Vedic age. Unfortunately, little is known to authenticate about this until Sage Kapila and later Patanjali formalized it through manuscripts. Patanjali has summed Yoga as "Yogash chit vriti nirodha" The practice to stop the oscillation of mind is Yoga. Our evolution depends on changing our behavior as we move on in life. To change the behavior our inherent tendencies need to be changed. Our thought processes, our triggers, nature or reactions. Again this is a very inclusive or holistic approach to ensure there is perfect harmony between the body, mind and soul or encompassing all "" from the gross matter to one"s breath and eventually the subtlest soul. It tried to establish that subtler things exert greater power. For instance, bones are hard and solid but we need softer tissues and muscles to move the frame of bones. To strengthen the muscles we need to infuse rich blood. To purify blood we need oxygen and this oxygen comes from breathing which owes its existence to Prana or life-force or soul.
Yoga begins with attaining sound physical condition through the practice of Asanas to make the body flexible and supple. Then it also delved into scientific exploration into herbal medicine called Ayurveda. Asanas were largely postures adapted from animals while Ayurveda was developed of the plant kingdom. It was again an interdependent relationship in which physical well-being was pursued through learning acquired about the animal and plant kingdom. By about 1500 BC, India had world"s first coherent treatise or the Sankhya philosophy or Yoga. The Sankhya Yoga has been described as a state of pure existence or awareness, beyond the dimension time and space that has no beginning or end and is beyond attributes and duality.
The practice of Yoga started in the Vedic ages many thousand years ago. The word yoga was first mentioned in the oldest sacred texts, the Rig Veda. Later came one of the most remarkable yoga scriptures called Bhagavad-Gita, which was composed around 3000 BC. In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna spoke about Gyana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga and Raja Yoga. There are several other forms of yoga, such as Hatha Yoga, Mantra Yoga, and Laya Yoga. The purpose of Hatha Yoga is a harsher or faster approach to destroy or transform all that which, in man, interferes with his union with the universal Being.
Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Gyana Yoga and Raja Yoga:
"Karma Yoga is the path of performing action or service that are as a call of duty, devoid of selfish motive and everything performed to uphold the Dharma. At the highest level, it includes Nishkaam Karma or desireless acts. This can be understood through examples by acts of sacrificing one"s life for cause "" saving people, defending one"s motherland, dying for other"s sake etc.
"Bhakti Yoga is the path of devotion, love, and reverence for the Living Master, Prophet or God. It is not merely establishing love but becoming one with the Beloved at the highest level "" a devotee becomes one in devotion with the object of devotion (Adept).
"Gyana Yoga is the path that begins with initiation of spiritual knowledge. Through meditation, mindfulness, introspection and an aspirant perfects inner calm to explore the Truth within beyond the realm of mind and thoughts. At the highest level the meditator, meditation and the object of meditation (Adept) become one.
"Raja Yoga is a comprehensive method that emphasizes meditation, while encompassing the whole of Yoga. It is a synthesis of Karma, Bhakti and Gyana Yoga to attaining Enlightenment. The word Raja means sovereign. When a aspirant transcends the dimension of body and mind, there is only self becoming one with Self or Absolute.

Ashtang Yoga:
Patanjali describes in his Yoga Sutras, the Eightfold Path to enlightenment popularly known as Ashtang Yoga. In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali enunciated the eight-fold or Ashtang path of yoga. This includes, Yam (universal ethical laws), Niyam (personal codes of discipline), Asana (physical postures), Pranayama (breath control), and Pratyahar, Dharan, Dhyana and Samadhi. This eight-fold path is most inclusive set of practices to make life a fulfilling experience.
Yoga is a unique scientific discipline that leads to inner transformation and a definite psychological state of conscious enlightenment. The secret lies in seeking spiritual knowledge from a Living Master to awaken divine vision or higher perception through a sound and clean methodology that brings a luminous, intuitive perception into the truth of things. Divya Chakshu is the divine prophetic eye, the power of seeing, what is not visible to the naked eye.
To thee, I grant the Eye Divine, behold my Cosmic Splendor.
- Bhagavad Gita 11.8.
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