Stay Healthy And Happy By Learning To Control Your Temper

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If there's one thing that's tough to control, it's temper. Responsible for breaking relationships and causing health to take a dive, this powerful emotion is best kept in check before it inflicts irreparable damage.

Is anger all bad? Not in the least. It's good to vent feelings. But it becomes a problem when you use it to cause harm or endanger yourself. Anger management, then, is not so much learning to keep calm but learning to keep the emotion in check. Taming the beast, so to speak.

Wait it out

When you feel yourself getting angry, wait for the emotion to pass. Take a walk, deep breaths and count to 10 (it really works!). Move away from the person or situation causing you to get angry which will help calm you down and prevent you from inadvertently lashing out. It'll also keep your blood pressure at bay and prevent ulcers from forming.

Work out

Exercise is good not only for the body but for the mind. It releases endorphins (feel-good hormones, basically) that put you in a positive mood and temper anger. Apart from your regular workout, go for a walk, jog or a run anytime you're faced with a potentially anger-inducing situation. You'll see an immediate change in mood.

Form your words before you speak

Doing so gives you time to say what you want clearly as your mind is removed from the situation even if for a few seconds. You get your point across properly and don't worsen the matter. Remember, conflict is solved through calm discussions.

Practice deep breathing and meditation

Far from being a New Age gimmick, meditation is a powerful relaxation tool. Together with deep breathing, it clears the mind, calms emotions and helps you speak with a cool tongue.

There are numerous ways to relax and the two given above are just a couple. Listening to your favorite music, writing, playing sports and working out are a few others. Find out what activity gives you the most peace and do it when confronted with a heated situation.

Learn to walk away

Walking away is not a sign of weakness or defeat. Rather, it's your way of saying the situation is not worth getting upset about. True, there are times when standing your ground may be necessary but most times it's prudent to learn to let go.

There's a reason why we lose our head and it's not usually because of the current situation. Feelings of abandonment, disappointment and neglect surface during such times which act as triggers. Knowing your trigger can diffuse most volatile situations so if you have a tough time controlling your anger, it's a good idea to attend counseling and possibly seek therapy.

Identifying signs of anger

There are warning anger signs you'd do well to know so that you can begin relaxation tricks. A knotted stomach, rapid breathing, rapid heartbeat, feeling flushed, clenched jaw and hands and needing to ‘explode' or let things out in a burst are several. You may experience headaches as well. Feeling lightheaded is fairly common too.

You'll find experts conducting anger management classes in your area. Sign up with one and attend a few classes. Your life will be a lot easier.

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