Astrology: The Best and Worst of The Spring Signs
As always, I will start with Aries, being an Aries myself I wouldn't have it any other way. Rams can be very assertive, blunt and impatient. We are also very single-minded when we have a goal in mind, to others this single-mindedness can make us tactless, blind to other issues or very irritating.
Rams like to be challenged and will make great leaders. Rams courage will inspire others to follow our lead and our confidence and enthusiasm will get others where they are going. Just don't expect the Ram to follow through with anything, becasue it won't happen. When something becomes routine, Aries will get bored & move on to something new & more fun. This little trait of mine drives my Virgo fiancee insane.
Rams also like to fight and can be very arguementive. Another trait of mine that drives my fiancee nuts. At our worst Aries can be like a steamroller, running down anyone or anything in our paths, but at our best Rams are the people that can & will inspire others.
And now for Taurus, at their best Bulls can create a sense of calm in the storm around them. Bulls are connected soildly to their bodies and homes. Thet tend to have good jobs, friends, marriages and children. They are disciplined, orderly and reliable. Bulls are the ones that everyone turns to in the time of need.
In the case of Bulls, consistency can become complacency. Bulls tend to resistant change and can sometimes be very opinionated and seem a little on the preachy side. They just don't see what all the excitement is about. Bulls can be lazy. They can also get so caught up in thier earthly possessions that life will just seem to pass theme by.
And last but certain not least, we move on to the best & worse of the witty, quick, and flexible twins, Gemini. The twins can also be glib, fickle and devious. Like the two sides of a coin it is easy for the twins to flip back & forth between moods. Geminis are known to shift gears midconverstaion and take the opposite side of what they were just saying, this makes them appear to be devious or deceptive. Most times it is because their brains are working so fast they have already ended the conversation in thier minds before they have really had a chance to participate in it.
When at their best Twins are the masters of invention. They are clever & adaptable and never afraid to try something new. This eagerness to constantly want to try something new can cause Twins to seem scatterbrained or restless, even unreliable and ungrateful.