Marriage, Transsexuality and Divorce
Now if someone is already of trans sexual nature, I suppose that would make sense.
Don't ask me how but this topic came up in online debate of gay and lesbian marriages and the civil rights.
And it seems that if trans sexuals can get married why not gays and lesbian? Interesting point, but how many people are actually genetically qualified to be called transsexual? Well one person stated; "I didn't know what "transsexuality" meant.
I didn't realize I wasn't supposed to be a girl.
I really did think I'd just become a girl as I aged.
So I was pretty ignorant of some things.
But that doesn't mean I wasn't a queer kid and would have been much better off had all this been understood and accepted by people.
" Indeed and this is your story, but the 1-2% which is actually like this in any species is not the 6-8% which are calling themselves gay now or being labeled as such by peers for giving into the temptation and hormonal changes of adolescence or the new found availability of such potential partners willing to satisfy a curiosity.
All species from butterflies up have a percentage, which is dissimilar, those unique characteristics should be honored not chastised as uniqueness makes the whole stronger.
Uniqueness is a good think in society; the meatheads in life just have not figured it out yet.
Yet this transsexual felt differently than science explains this phenomena; "You're not even in the right ballpark when it comes to me.
Being trans has almost nothing to do with "sexual experimentation".
Trans people are barely on the radar screen of bigots at this point -- we're still in a situation of almost total invisibility in mainstream culture although it's certainly starting to change.
" It seems in going over this issue there is a gap between public understanding of transsexuals, their own understanding of themselves and how the biological scientific community understands these issues.
So we must indeed consider all this.