Snow Cover Good For Your Garden, Bad For The Birds

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Snow cover is good for your garden.
It insulates the plants so that freeze and thaw will not disrupt the root system.
Also the snow cover will help protect from drying winds.
This is good for the garden but defiantly it is not a good thing for the birds.
When snow covers the ground it is hard for the birds to fins enough to eat.
The cold weather also is a factor because of the large amount of energy required to keep those little bodies warm to 109 degrees.
With the last of the seeds from it flower heads now covered over and most of all the fruits and berries  from shrubs consumed it is very very difficult for these feathered garden visitors to survive especially during freezing weather.
With the freezing weather the scarcity of food and the shorter hours of daylight the probability of some of these birds starving to death is very high.
There is something you can do though to help.
If you place a couple of bird feeders in the yard you will be helping some of these beautiful garden creatures to survive through the cold winter months.
It may seem if you have not had a bird feeder in the garden before that hardly any of the seed is being eaten.
I can assure you that it is only a temporary situation.
After a few birds have discovered you feeder they will be out and about the neighborhood spreading the word about the free treats at your house.
In a couple of weeks you will undoubtedly have dozen of visitors each day.
A word of caution though once you have started to have regulars return day after day please be sure to check your feeders everyday because the birds will be dependent on you for some of their daily feed.
It is also very good if you can get some suet cakes to hang out as well the birds can really use the extra energy and the calories these suet cakes provide.
If you have children or grandchildren a great craft project is to get some large pine cones and coat them with peanut butter then roll them around in a plate of bird seed to coat them.
tie a ribbon on them and hang them on the tree branches.
The birds will go crazy over them.
If you really want to impress the kids after Christmas take your tree out in the yard stand it up and redecorate it using suet cakes shaped like bells and stars and peanut butter pine cones.
The kids will love a second chance to decorate the tree and the birds will love the great Christmas gift.
A word of caution be sure that there is no tinsel left on the tree that the birds could ingest by accident..
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