Is Use of Drugs to Treat ADHD Really Necessary and What Are the Risks?
Look at this figure - use of drugs to treat ADHD has TRIPLED in the past ten years worldwide! This statistic is from a research team at the University of California at Berkeley.
Similar fears have been expressed in Australia where the number of prescriptions for these ADHD drugs has doubled.
I want to ask a question:- Is the use of drugs to treat ADHD essential and what alternatives are they? The fact that the number of prescriptions has tripled does not mean that this disorder is on the increase ! It does NOT mean that we have discovered ever more efficient ways of testing for ADHD either.
It means, in my opinion, that our expectations and tolerance levels have shifted.
It may also be due partly to the massive information campaign carried out by the drug companies aided and abetted by their 'consultants' - an army of doctors, paediatricians and child psychologists.
The problem is that the term ADHD has become a very handy label and a very lucrative one for some people.
It is being used as an umbrella term to cover up all sorts of problems which may not be ADHD at all.
Some examples are bipolar disorder, stress at home due to family problems, broken marriages, financial problems and a host of other factors which may cause symptoms of restlessness, distraction and hyperactivity on the part of the child who is at the centre of the storm.
What are the drugs used to treat ADHD ? The main ones are Ritain, Concerta, Vyvanse.
These psychostimulant drugs are basically amphetamines and their use in childhood may lead to a certain dependence on them or other substances.
While these drugs can help children to concentrate and improve their focus, there are serious side effects which every concerned parent should be wised up on because the family doctor may not know or may not simply want to share, what he or she knows about these drugs.
The main ones are insomnia, irritability and stunted growth while weight loss due to a loss of appetite can lead to no end of problems for the worried parent.
Not to mention trying to sell them as teenagers in the school parking lot.
There ARE alternative ADHD homeopathic remedies and they do not involve any dependence or risks either.
Many parents do not know about these and indeed are told by doctors that they should not even consider them because there is no proof at all that they work.
On the contrary there are studies that show that they are at least as, if not more, effective in treating ADHD.
Drugs used to treat ADHD ARE risky and all you have to do is consult the FDA site for the real story and that in my view is played down.
Join thousands of parents who refuse to be brainwashed and have a more open and tolerant view to ADHD alternative therapy.
The site below is informative and there is a full one-year guarantee.
Similar fears have been expressed in Australia where the number of prescriptions for these ADHD drugs has doubled.
I want to ask a question:- Is the use of drugs to treat ADHD essential and what alternatives are they? The fact that the number of prescriptions has tripled does not mean that this disorder is on the increase ! It does NOT mean that we have discovered ever more efficient ways of testing for ADHD either.
It means, in my opinion, that our expectations and tolerance levels have shifted.
It may also be due partly to the massive information campaign carried out by the drug companies aided and abetted by their 'consultants' - an army of doctors, paediatricians and child psychologists.
The problem is that the term ADHD has become a very handy label and a very lucrative one for some people.
It is being used as an umbrella term to cover up all sorts of problems which may not be ADHD at all.
Some examples are bipolar disorder, stress at home due to family problems, broken marriages, financial problems and a host of other factors which may cause symptoms of restlessness, distraction and hyperactivity on the part of the child who is at the centre of the storm.
What are the drugs used to treat ADHD ? The main ones are Ritain, Concerta, Vyvanse.
These psychostimulant drugs are basically amphetamines and their use in childhood may lead to a certain dependence on them or other substances.
While these drugs can help children to concentrate and improve their focus, there are serious side effects which every concerned parent should be wised up on because the family doctor may not know or may not simply want to share, what he or she knows about these drugs.
The main ones are insomnia, irritability and stunted growth while weight loss due to a loss of appetite can lead to no end of problems for the worried parent.
Not to mention trying to sell them as teenagers in the school parking lot.
There ARE alternative ADHD homeopathic remedies and they do not involve any dependence or risks either.
Many parents do not know about these and indeed are told by doctors that they should not even consider them because there is no proof at all that they work.
On the contrary there are studies that show that they are at least as, if not more, effective in treating ADHD.
Drugs used to treat ADHD ARE risky and all you have to do is consult the FDA site for the real story and that in my view is played down.
Join thousands of parents who refuse to be brainwashed and have a more open and tolerant view to ADHD alternative therapy.
The site below is informative and there is a full one-year guarantee.