Growing A Church In Many Ways
Something that is as good as faith deserves to be shared with many people and you therefore wish that there could be more people to join in your church.
If you will just be content on wishing, then your members will not increase in number.
You need to act in order to grow your ministry; and there are various ways you can creatively and resourcefully increase the number of your church members.
To work on achieving your goal to grow your church, what you essentially need to consider is to draw the attention of other people in and out of the ministry; to show everyone what good things your ministry can provide.
Bible schools and fellowship.
Most people think that bible schools are just for young children, so they may be aware, at a young age, about the stories and lesson offered by the Bible.
Nonetheless, bible studying is not just limited to children.
Even adults and elders also need to participate in bible fellowships so they may also learn and re-discover the good teachings of the Holy Scriptures.
In organizing bible fellowships for adults, create a program that mature participants will enjoy.
Consider providing adult students with an opportunity to learn the Bible at the heart of an interactive setting.
Christmas Celebration Alternatives.
Christmas is just one of those occasions when most churches and ministries are mostly busy.
Apparently, even if Christmas celebrations are held important by many churchgoers, some still choose to pass or skip the celebration because of the monotony in the yearly celebration.
To encourage these members to once again have the liveliness in joining church celebrations, you need to think of alternative, perhaps non-conventional ways to celebrate the special season.
Add creativity to evangelism.
Another thing that makes going to church uninteresting to some people is the fact that they need to spend time listening to the minister recite his homily.
Therefore, you have to think of ways by which you can add creativity to spark the interest of your members.
You can encourage young and even adult members of the church to form a dance and/or drama group.
The dance group can come up with their own dance interpretation of the hymn the choir will sing on the next week's mass.
The drama group can also create a script and a short act about the gospel or Bible reading for the following mass.
Integrating arts in evangelism will certainly make participating in church a lot more interesting.
Cooking class in church.
Nowadays, more and more people decide to learn how to cook so why not use this opportunity to bring in more active church members.
Find a member of the church who is a cooking expert or chef, or a member who knows of a chef you can ask to give lessons to interested church members.
Surely, a lot of your members will be interested to join in this class.