How To Celebrate The Winter Solstice With Meditations, Incense & Decorations

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On December 21st we will again be celebrating the Winter Solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere.

This is a magical time of the year and throughout the ages of mankind religions have gravitated toward this date to hold major ceremonies, celebrations and sacred observations.

Our modern age strangely sees us returning to the age-old customs of noting and paying respect to the sacred cycles of nature and the part we play in it, for we are intrinsically tied to these cycles of nature whether we like to admit it or not, influenced by the stages of the moon with its ebb and flow of energy. The sun ' the life giver ' marks the days of death and decay back into regeneration and growth. None of us that live on this planet can escape Mother Nature, the Goddess and her womb, or Father Time, the God and his creation of all life from the elements. Light and dark, all is one, all religion, all life blessed be!


Winter Solstice is the shortest day and the longest night of the year. It marks the gradual return of the sun and signifies birth when new seeds of life will spring forth. Similarly, Christianity uses this time of year to mark the birth of the son, signifying life eternal for all who partake of the light and become the body of Christ.

A good way to remember this special Solstice is, as the hours of daylight grow, so too, we can let our inner light of understanding, love and intuitions grow. Allowing both the dark and the light to resonate within us, for it is part of us and we can practice new beginnings of unity, compassion, empathy and global love.


Spend the Solstice in candlelight, meditation, reflection and look forward to new dawn. Prepare some seasonal incense and an appropriate meditation for the magical night of dreams ahead. Decorate your home with the colors of winter; white to represent the winter snow, dark green winter foliage, red winter berries and fruits, gold to represent the returning energy of the sun and silver for the delicate frost that settles all around at this cold time of year. A Winter Solstice incense blend:

Fill A heatproof bowl with about an inch of sand or salt. Metals, stone & ceramics are ideal that have feet to hold them safely above a surface, or you can buy purpose made incense burners. Beware of hot ash falling when the incense burns, keep safe. Prepare by crushing the ingredients together.


1 tbsp dried Orange Peel, 1 tbsp dried Grapefruit Peel, 1 tbsp dried Lemon Peel, 1 tbsp dried Tangerine Peel, 1 tsp Orange extract, 1 tsp Lemon extract.


One part Pine Needles, One part Cinnamon, One part Apple Rine, One part Myrrh, One part Frankincense

Experiment and find a blend you like!


There is an Old Russian divination that took place on the evening of Winter Solstice where - usually a young lady - would set up two mirrors and two candles into a position that they would reflect each other. One should then peer into one of the mirrors and seek the seventh reflection, where she would catch a glimpse of her future or her one true love!

Find a comfortable place where you are least likely to be disturbed. Get your mirrors and candles ready, be sure to position them facing each other with the candles reflecting in each - use a stable, fireproof surface. Please take care that you cannot fall into the mirrors or candles as meditation can have a very hypnotic effect! Position them safely & far enough away.

You should sit facing the mirrors so that you can see into either mirror with the reflection of the other, if in a chair sit with your feet flat on the floor or sit in your usual meditation position. Do not hunch your back but sit upright and relaxed with your hands resting on your thighs. Start the sound session.

First, concentrate yourself fully on the following breathing technique (do this about five - ten times, you don't have to count ' do what feels right);

Breathe in deeply, expanding your abdomen to fill your lungs. Hold then very slowly let the breath out all the way until your lungs are empty.

Now begin to look into one of the mirrors, whichever one is up to you, search for the seventh reflection. After a while the image may change in the mirror, other faces may be seen or other images. Allow your mind to go along with the experience and always write the details in a diary immediately afterwards - this is for later reflection and things may make sense later that were not obvious at the time.


Before beginning the meditation, read the following reading I personally got during meditation regarding 'THE LAWS OF ATTRACTION' and try to understand the message contained within.

"Every negative word, deed, glance, thought, and action will come back to you. It is the indisputable law, the law of attraction. If you play with it, study this in earnest, you will find it, without doubt, to be true.

Imaging you are communicating with the physical world via a mirror. The person who stares back at you is the equivalent of every other person in the world. Frown at the person in the mirror, the person frowns back at you. Become angry at the person, see what comes back to you, look at the anger on that face and look into the eyes. How does that make you feel ' good? Bad? Imagine a child being confronted with that face, those eyes, that anger. Imagine if that small child was you!

Smile and you receive the same, laugh and the image laughs with you. This is how we create our world, by reflection. This is a warning so don't discard it. Keep it with you and discover it!

But what if you are a child? You didn't yet throw anything into the water to cause a ripple. You were born in innocence! No! You chose to be a victim for a short time. You agreed in your ancient wisdom to become the effect of a cause and those who peer into the mirror will see you. Your reflection will call to action better judgment, better discernment and a better future for all."

NOW, get your mirror ready and find a comfortable place where you are least likely to be disturbed. You should sit in a chair facing the mirror with your feet flat on the floor. Do not hunch your back but sit upright and relaxed with your hands resting on your thighs. Start the sound session.

First, concentrate yourself fully on the following breathing technique (do this about five - ten times, you don't have to count ' do what feels right);

Breathe in deeply, expanding your abdomen to fill your lungs. Hold then very slowly let the breath out all the way until your lungs are empty. Keep your breathing deep and regular and begin to stare at your reflection in the mirror, focusing on your eyes. Imagine that every other person in the world reflects the image that stares back at you.

Notice the expression, smiles, frowns, anger, study what comes back at you through the mirror.

Now allow yourself to absorb the powerful sounds and simply stare at the mirror. After a while the image may change, other faces may be seen or other images. Allow your mind to go along with the experience and write the details in a diary immediately afterwards Allow yourself to adjust when your meditation finishes and drink a fresh glass of water.
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