Evolution Will Never Understand What"s Wrong Without Genesis

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The belief in an evolutionary process of life happening by accident followed by colossal numbers of genetic mutations interacting with natural selection over huge time-spans, in which the fittest life-forms survive, has become the leading world view in the West.
· CONUNDRUM As it stands evolutionary belief has no need to worry about good or evil.
But Charles Darwin still had a big dilemma that he worried about.
And he became acutely aware of how his own theory had a low view of human reason that downgraded our humanity.
But he also knew he needed a high view of human reason for his theory to gain wide public acceptance.
However, in 1881, a year before he died, he explained how the validity of his own thinking was worryingly undermined by his new theory of evolution:
"Nevertheless you have expressed my inward conviction, though far more vividly and clearly than I could have done, that the Universe is not the result of chance.
But then with me the horrid doubt always arises whether the convictions of man's mind, which has been developed from the mind of the lower animals, are of any value or at all trustworthy.
Would any one trust in the convictions of a monkey's mind, if there are any convictions in such a mind?" 1
As we look back, we can see that Darwin's theory was less about being supported by research and evidence, and more about making suppositions on the basis of his inherited high view of reason which his new, ultimately indefensible beliefs, now undermined and left him without a sufficient basis for believing them! · CONFESSION Darwin's confession of his big doubt is fundamental to the whole evolutionary enterprise rooted in his own thinking.
Charles Darwin was a product of the 19th century and its high view of reason inherited from the theistic worldview of his Western culture.
But, then Darwin was influenced by rationalism and he disliked the biblical teaching of Genesis intensely.
So he set out to reject the account of the historic moral fall causing guilt, suffering and sorrow, and as a result found himself mired in bewildering mental futility.
· CONFUSION He also realised that consistent with his new beliefs, those same new beliefs were ultimately trash because they had specifically (but inadvertently) condemned his own thinking process as untrustworthy.
Alas, he saw too late that as his new beliefs denied the high validity of reason required to consider and believe God's revealed word in order to understand a meaningful world created by a rational Creator, he was left with beliefs that he couldn't trust as they had only come from an inferior thinking process.
As Darwin rejected God's revealed truth his thinking became hopeless, futile and self-contradictory.
Scripture teaches that after the fall of our first parents we all inherit a natural hostility toward God.
We are described as 'enemies' (Rom.
5:10) against God and are justly under the sentence of his holy wrath.
Now, our thinking, 'became futile - and [our] foolish hearts were darkened' (Rom.
What Darwin didn't know was that, in any given gene pool, there is no evidence of any process ever adding new progressive genetic information to that pool, causing another more advanced organism to evolve from it, as is required by his theory.
That is not science but wishful thinking.
However, there is certainly adaptation and speciation from a wide base of pre-existing specially created genetic data, but that is clearly not Darwinian evolution.
That is authentic creation science as supported by biblical Christianity.
Chesterton (1874-1936) had already seen by 1908 how evolutionary thinking leads to "the suicide of thought".
He describes how it, "is a good example of that modern intelligence which, if it destroys anything, destroys itself.
"2 With evolutionary belief, the validity of reason self-destructs, and you finish up with appeals to discoveries interpreted by wishful thinking as if it was 'science'.
And as Darwin's beliefs rubbished his own mind, so they do the same to all who believe them.
Starting with life as a mere biological accident in a pitiless universe, Darwin came to see that he could never contrive or construct a biological basis for an allegedly evolved mind like his own with sufficient rationality to support his own evolutionary beliefs - his own 'monkey' beliefs caught him out.
Did they take you in? · CREDIBLE SOLUTION In comparison the foundations of Christianity remain secure and reasonable.
The historic Genesis fall explains why we have a morally broken and spoiled world.
But with the coming of Jesus Christ, God has given a rich remedy for a sin-burdened world; a Saviour who will bear that burden and its condemnation himself on behalf of others, who must then turn to him in faith to receive the gift of peace and reconciliation with God.
What a wonderful remedy to such a terrible problem! Christians are also clear that we are not merely engaged in an intellectual controversy; this is a spiritual battle in which natural hostile defiance continues to be expressed against the living God revealed in Christ our Lord.
So, share the majesty, the holiness and the great mercy of God - explain the awful gravity of sin and guilt, urge people to repent, then joyfully set forth the glory of the cross and the great Redeemer who finished his sacrificial work upon it, that whoever comes to him may freely receive reconciliation and life.
There is a final answer to what's wrong, after all!
  1. Charles Darwin (Darwin Internet Correspondence Project, letter 13230), personal correspondence to William Graham, 3 July 1881.
  2. G.
    Chesterton, Orthodoxy, Doubleday, 1908, chapter 3.
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