Types in the Tabernacle

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    • God explains the primary purpose of the tabernacle in Exodus 29:43-45. According to these verses the tabernacle would serve as the place "I will dwell among the children of Israel." It also served the purpose of symbolizing for Israel and modern believers the manner in which one is to approach God. Its types also reveal truths concerning the work of Jesus Christ. An example of the latter two assertions is found in Hebrews 10:19-22, which speaks of Christ having made a way through the "veil" and into the "Holiest," both direct references to the tabernacle. We also learn from various New Testament references that the earthly tabernacle was a replica of the heavenly tabernacle, or God's presence.

    Brazen Altar

    • Moses recorded the design for the brazen altar in Exodus 27:1-8. One would see this altar first upon passing through the entrance of the tabernacle. On this altar, the priests presented various burnt offerings of animal sacrifices. Of particular note would be the burnt offering and sin offering. The brazen altar reveals that repentance and cleansing are the first steps to gain entrance to God. The brazen altar and the sacrifices offered there depict the redemptive work of Christ, described in 1 John 2:1-2 as an "atoning sacrifice."


    • Moses recorded the design for the laver in Exodus 30:17-18. This is the second furnishing one would encounter after moving past the bronze altar. The priests were to wash their hands and feet at the laver, which was filled with water. They were to do this prior to entering the holy place. Whereas the bronze altar depicts the need for repentance and atoning sacrifice for sin, the laver demonstrates the need for continued cleansing from the daily defilement of sin. Hebrews 10:22 alludes to the laver, which admonishes us to "draw near with a pure heart ... our bodies washed with pure water."

    Gold Lampstand

    • Once the priest had washed at the laver he could enter the holy place. The golden lampstand (Menorah), the table of shewbread and the altar of incense were there. The golden lampstand provided the only source of light for the holy place, thus enabling the priests to perform their duties and make intercession. Jesus declared himself to be the "light of the world" (John 8:12). One may see in the Menorah a symbol of God's light and revelation. It find its ultimate fulfillment in the life and ministry of Christ.

    Table of Showbread

    • The priests placed the table of showbread (or presence) opposite the golden lampstand. It stood on the right side of the holy place. The priests set on it 12 loaves of bread representing the 12 tribes of Israel. At the end of each week, the priests replaced the loaves with new ones. They then ate the replaced loaves. Some scholars believe this had an immediate symbolism of fellowship with God. It is also noteworthy that Jesus described himself as the "bread of life"' and the "bread come down from heaven" in John 6:32-35.

    Altar of Incense

    • The altar of incense stood directly in front of the entrance to the holy of holies. The priests burned incense upon it twice daily. These offerings, as we may glean from Revelation 8:3-4, represent the prayers of God's people and can also symbolize our worship that gains us entrance into God's presence.


    • Between the holy place and the holiest, or "holy of holies," hung an ornate veil. The holy of holies was the room that housed the Ark of the Covenant. Within the ark were the tablets containing the Ten Commandments, Aaron's rod that budded and the bones of Joseph. Upon the ark was the "mercy seat" where the blood of the sacrifice for the day of atonement was presented. The holy of holies was the place of God's abiding presence. The veil symbolized separation from God's holy presence. Only the high priest could enter. The New Testament states, in Matthew 27:51, that upon Christ's death on the cross the veil in the temple was rent in two, signifying that through him the wall of separation was destroyed.

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