What Attracts the Venus Libra Man?

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Venusian Ideal:
  • Social grace, nice manners to all (even servers.
  • Fair-minded, instinct for compromise.
  • Ultra-feminine, elegant, stylish.
  • Easy conversationalist, able to see all sides.

Turn Offs: Cussing; sloppy style; rude or selfish behavior; an unyielding nature; harshness; crude about sex; monosyllabic communicators; cheapskates on dates.
Ladies Man
In many ways, the Venus Libra man is tailor-made for relationships.

He's eager to experience life as a twosome, and to know himself in the reflection of the beloved.

Libra is an air sign ruled by Venus, and this makes for ease with women and a true romantic. He's into the flourishes of the courting ritual and might even bring flowers on the first date. His manner is light and conversational, which puts others at ease.

The Venus Libra man finds great satisfaction in togetherness. If you're in synch with him, he's a committed dance partner. The one-on-ones in his life are central, whether they're friends or lovers. He's likely got a few very close friends that are a touchstone across the years. He may be especially close to women friends or sisters.
Making an Impression
Venus Libra man is an admirer of artful style. He's likely something of a dandy himself. Even if his look is sporty, his secret is that he gazes into the looking glass...a lot. He's one to watch himself in the bar mirror, for a sense of what the other, you, sees. This can come off as self-absorbed or neurotic.

He's preoccupied with how he's received, and can be self-conscious at first. But with familiarity, he's absorbed in the groove of relating.

He's attracted to companions that make him look good (from his point of view). More than other Venus signs, he's tuned in to the duo, and its impact. He enjoyed being in a power couple, especially one that's part of a wider social scene and lots of cultural happenings.
Will to Love
Libra is a cardinal sign that acts with some urgency to press into new ground. This is an initiating impulse, making Venus Libra a first-moves player in the game of love. Sometimes a Venus in cardinal comes off as Mars in its sheer audacity to get what it wants.

The Venus Libra man is forceful with his social charm. He charms the pants off people, and Libra is known for being a trigger for sexual desire. He's got a knack for intuiting what the other needs to hear or do, and offering that. In a low vibe version, Venus Libra uses others, and loses themselves in the process.

There can be some manipulation here, and going after lovers just to get the ego stroking. He could have many pots on the stove, but miss out on the one that's right for him. Libra, like its opposite, Mars-ruled Aries, runs hot and cold, and when he changes his mind, he could leave a trail of broken hearts.
Happy are "We"
My husband has this Venus sign, and I've had to get used to the constant narrative of "We." It's priceless to have that devotion, and I'm grateful. But having married late in life (late 30s), I still have a solo storyline that I like to keep for myself. For some, especially more independent Venus signs, all this togetherness can be stifling.

Libra is sometimes associated with codependency, that label put on such behaviors as the inability to be alone. A man with Venus Libra comes alive in the reflective eyes of another. And yet, a big maturation point is being okay as a stand-alone, and cultivating his own wise counsel.
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