Gemini Horoscope for February 2011
A good time to explore possibilities to make changes which could improve things now or in the future. Overall, you'll tend to feel more enterprising and able to infect others with your enthusiasm. So this is a good time for laying plans for a new venture or maybe signing up with a study program or other mind-expanding activity.
You may be clearer and more decisive in your communications with others from the 4th, receiving or conveying information or pitching ideas more effectively. Or this could translate as someone around whose opinion or teaching has a beneficial effect upon you. Taking a more spiritual or philosophical view and communicating this is a positive interpretation of this vibration, but avoid being zealous and try not to impose your views on those who just aren't ready to listen........
This is a period when you should think bigger or are able to get things in a better perspective. Spiritual or artistic activities are well favoured also. Overall it's likely you'll be absorbing an unfamiliar spiritual, mental or physical territory and that results in you viewing smaller, more private matters in a different light.
The mental focus may be linked to a place of education or distant contacts and correspondence, paperwork or discussions help you join up the dots and get things in proportion which is especially important from the 21st on as your judgement tends to be a little off kilter and you may miss your 'win' point.
The Solar eclipse in January enables you to make fresh starts in the area of joint resources or commitments over coming months. Also with matters financial which rely upon another's input or agreement to be successful. A more intimate sharing in matters of the heart can also benefit from this vibration of change.
Saturn will continue to challenge you where creative projects, young people or animals are concerned. You'll have the urge to bring in a sense of structure and discipline here. Also be willing to work harder at anything loosely termed 'entertainments or leisure pursuits'. Either for yourself or on behalf of someone else. This is also a more competitive area and so you need to work harder to show your best colours or set something off to it's advantage. This month you may feel it's a bit of an uphill battle at times and so perseverance will be the name of the game.
Until mid-year, Jupiter will continue to have you dreaming up plans for the future and you'll grow best if you join with those who can help you achieve a long cherished ideal. You'll also expand through networking and getting clued up on anything techno, innovative, or at the cutting edge.
From the 23rd you'll be taking your worldly responsibilities more seriously and maybe feeling it's important to be diligent in projecting a certain image. Professionally, it might mean presenting yourself as competent or reputable to those in positions of power. In your personal life it may mean that others are looking to you to set an example or show some authority. Either way, you'll be more aware of being scrutinized and that consistency and patience is needed. Some of you will have more contact with a parent or guardian figure, bosses - potential or actual - or others in authority. More mental effort will be needed and correspondence or other paperwork may increase. Also you may give more thought to career, personal standing, reputation or other important matters related to profession or status.
You'll want to work harder at the master plan - whatever that means to you.