You Are Forgiven
No matter what an individual has done in his life, if he is willing to confess his sins and accept the fact that Jesus took the penalty of those sins upon Himself, there is a total and irrevocable expunging of his sins.
Prior to the "Lamb of God" there was a temporary forgiveness of sin, but it was contingent upon animal sacrifices.
The blood sacrifice was offered yearly as thousands upon thousands of lambs were slaughtered for the atonement of man's sin.
The problem was that the sin seed continued to grow into actions that would cause the violator to revisit the Temple yearly to offer yet another lamb for the forgiveness of his sins.
There was only a temporary reprieve from his sinful nature.
God had promised His chosen people that He would remove their sins as far as the east was from the west.
103:12) He did that and continued to do so as they turned from their sinful ways and toward His outstretched arms.
The difficulty lay in the fact that there was no end to the sinful nature in man.
The animal sacrifices could not remove the habitual sin nature in man, thus, as was stated, the forgiveness reality was short lived.
Jesus, the Lamb of God, went to the cross to redeem man from all iniquity.
But it did not stop there! Besides taking upon Himself the sins of man, thus allowing God to forgive His created, there was the reality of being born again.
The old nature was crucified with Jesus so that the body of sin would be destroyed.
6: 5, 6) If the Jewish people could have only understood who Jesus was! By understanding that Jesus took upon Himself the sins of the world, the believer begins to realize that his whole life is not to live for himself, but for Him.
he is a new creature; old things are passed away, behold all things are become new.
" (II Cor.
5: 15, 17) The New Testament is full of the reality of what Jesus did for mankind.
READ THE WORD for yourself! When someone accepts these truths and acknowledges his sins, and accepts Jesus substitutionary death and resurrection, and believes God raised Him from the dead, he begins a whole new life that will dwarf his previous life.
Many Christians can't seem to grasp the absolutes of God's Word.
Some believers will continually question how God could ever forgive them.
Satan realizes that the best way to engage the Believer is through his mind.
What it comes down to is who does one want to believe? God has given man a choice, either attend to His Word, or be tended to by Satan.
The Christian has been given authority and power over his own mind by "...
bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.
" (II Cor.
10: 5) Jesus won the Battle of the Wilderness by saying, "It is written.
" It is time for all Believers to start doubting their doubts and start confessing and believing His Word.