How to Photocopy With Digital Cameras
- 1). Power on your digital camera, and turn your camera's setting dial or slider to the "Macro" mode position. The "Macro" setting is usually denoted by a small flower icon. Switch off the camera's flash -- the flash is usually marked by a lightning bolt icon.
- 2). Lay your document on a flat surface. Orient the document horizontally so that you can fit more of it into your camera's viewfinder.
- 3). Align the document in your camera's viewfinder and then take a picture --- take more if necessary. Also, don't worry if you capture more than just the document. You can crop out extraneous portions of the image later.
- 4). Connect your camera to your computer via the camera's USB cable.
- 5). Click on the "Open folder to view files" option when the Windows "Autoplay" menu appears. Browse your camera for the newly captured image, using the file explorer window that appears. Images are usually stored in the camera's "DCIM" folder.
- 6). Right-click on the image. Navigate up to the "Open with" option in the pop-up menu that appears, and then select the "Paint" option.
- 7). Click on Paint's "Select" button, and then select the "Rectangular selection" option from the drop-down menu that appears.
- 8). Move your cursor to one corner of the document. Hold down either the left or right mouse button, and then drag the cursor to the opposite corner of the document. Click on Paint's "Crop" button.
- 9). Click on the "Paint" button, and then select the "Print" option from the Paint menu. Print out your document. Click on the "Print" button in the Print menu.