Will an Aboveground Pool Freeze If it Is Drained for the Winter?
- To prepare for winter, many homeowners drain the water from their aboveground pools. Draining the water prevents the pool water from freezing and expanding, which could cause the frame to expand as well. However, draining only the pool could still result in freezing problems. Any water left in the pool skimmer, pump or filters will almost certainly freeze during the winter, causing serious damage to the equipment. Although your pool has been drained, the damaged equipment will still need to be replaced after winter.
- Red's Pools and Aubuchon Hardware both recommend leaving water in your pool during the winter. In fact, Red's Pools explains that leaving an aboveground pool full of water throughout the year is best "for the integrity of the frame and for the preservation of the liner." Rather than draining the pool, simply lower the water level to just below the inlets. Spend the rest of your time draining and thoroughly drying the pool's plumbing, including the filter systems, pump, heater and all pipes.
- To prevent damage, leave most of the pool water inside your pool during the winter. Although the water might freeze and expand slightly, the pool should not be affected. However, the pool's plumbing system must be thoroughly drained of all water before the winter. If water is left in the pipes, pumps or filters, significant freezing problems could occur.