A Quiz About How Thankful You Are
It was a famous analogy of a man who lives off another without any sign of gratitude.
It was as if he was entitled to the mercy and grace from the other man and would even demand it.
Fed up by his annoying behavior, the other man kicked him out.
How many times do you say 'thank you' to God? Your parents? Friends who have supported you through difficulties? That loving and supportive spouse? Today, I want us to look at a story in the Bible about nine men who refused to show gratitude to Jesus.
As Jesus went about preaching and performing miracles, ten men were brought to Him.
They were suffering from Leprosy.
In those days, as it is even now, people with leprosy were ostracized.
The disease is highly contagious, leaving bleeding wounds and ugly scars own its victim's body.
Jesus saw them and healed them.
The lepers were very excited by the healing.
They went their way to show themselves to the priest that indeed they had been healed.
after wards, only one out of the other ten returned to say 'thank you' for the miracle of healing.
So, Christ asked: didn't I heal ten lepers? Where are the other nine?" Of course I do not want to be too judgmental but I am sure you will agree with me that even today people still behave this way.
We are in need of help, so preoccupied with our need(s) that once our problem has been taken care of, we move on and forget the helper.
Jesus was displeased by this ingratitude behavior and taught against it.
How many time do you remember to say 'thank you'? They are simple words but we feel as though it would be condescending of us to say the words now and then even when it was appropriate to say.
God wants hearts full of gratitude.
Do you have a heart of gratitude? We have so much to thank God for: gift of life, beautiful earth, oceans, trees, animals, people..
but even more, His love for us that He sent his only begotten son to die on the cross for our sins.
So, what does God expect of us? God wants us to be grateful to others by showing our appreciation for what they have done unto us.
a grateful heart is one which is thankful and gives back.
To test your level of 'gratefulness', please try this self help quiz: 1.
When you receive a gift from a parent a) you whisper an unconscious 'thank you' b) say nothing; you are entitled to gifts from them c) say nothing; they should know I am grateful d) thank them and pray to God to bless them 2.
Before taking dinner, supper or breakfast a) I say a short thank you prayer b) say a prayer only when prodded to by others; I don't bother when I am alone at the dinner table c) 'thank you' and other thankful words are for sissies d) I usually don't know what to say.
I usually say 'thank you' a) all the time b) sometimes c) occasionally d) never 4.
I say 'thank you' a) only to age mates, older people and God b) only to God c) all people, even children d) I really don't care as much who get my 'thank you', I just say it 5.
I have learnt to be grateful when a) when something good has happened to me b) all the time even when nothing good has happened to me c) I can't tell the difference-all those words might have no effect d) I don't say thank you or show gratitude; others don't do the same to me You ought to score five out of the possible five; otherwise you need to review your heart.