How to Attach Wire onto Flowers in Corsages
- 1). Cut individual flower stems to the length you desire using scissors. Trim flower stems to a length of between 2 to 3 inches to make them suitable for most corsages.
- 2). Place the cut flower stems in a glass of fresh water to keep them hydrated while you attach wire to them one at a time.
- 3). Grasp the first flower stem in one hand. Pick up a single piece of floral wire in your other, more dominant hand.
- 4). Hold the floral wire perpendicular to the flower stem. Aim one end of the floral wire toward the base, or calyx, of the flower's bloom.
- 5). Pierce the base of the flower's bloom with the floral wire.
- 6). Push the floral wire all the way through the base of the flower's bloom until it emerges out of the other side of the base of the flower's bloom. You should have a piece of floral wire running through the base of the flower's bloom in a straight line; if you view it from above it should divide the flower's bloom into two equal portions.
- 7). Pull the floral wire through the flower's bloom until equal amounts of wire emerge from both sides. Bend the two equal portions of wire down so that they hang parallel to and directly beside the flower's stem. Trim the ends of the two lengths of wire using wire cutters so they are flush with the bottom of the flower's stem. Repeat this process with all of the cut flowers.
- 1). Trim individual flower stems to your desired length using scissors. Cut flower stems to a length of between 2 to 3 inches to make them appropriate for most corsages.
- 2). Put the cut flower stems in a glass of fresh water so they can remain hydrated while you attach wire to them one at a time.
- 3). Pick up the first flower stem in one hand. Grasp a single piece of floral wire in your other, more dominant hand.
- 4). Insert one end of the floral wire into the bottom of the flower's stem. Carefully push the floral wire all the way up the interior of the flower's stem, until it reaches the base of the flower's bloom. Take care not to push the wire further than 1 to 2 mm into the flower's bloom.
- 5). Snip away any excess floral wire hanging outside of the bottom of the stem using wire cutters. Repeat this process with all of the delicate cut flowers.