Nietzsche is Dead ! God is Alive Forever and Ever More !
Nietzsche is dead ! God is alive forever and ever more !; God is dead . God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement , what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?
Nietzsche is dead ! God is alive forever and ever more!
By saying "God is dead" , I think he wanted to say ; no more Christian morality , no more Christian values systems . He wanted to annihilate the faith in God , as the sources of the morality and values systems . He wanted to revolutionize mankind system of thinking and to present a ethic and a morality without God .
Nietzsche is dead ! God is alive forever and ever more !
Nietzsche ‘s spirit and philosophy is dwelling a segment of our society .
If God does not exist , why Nietzsche had fought against Him , against the Christian morality ? The objective reality is that God exists , God is alive . Against a inexistent thing there is no need to fight . A proof and the evidence is that there is a phenomenon , an reality ; the people still coming to God . The masses of people prefer to live practicing the morality , the moral law , the ethic , the values systems which are coming from God .
Nistzsche ‘s spirit and philosophy  dwell  a important segment of our contemporary society . The conception of this philosophy is to renegade the existence of God , and to be faithful and loyal to the matter . Those who are hosting this philosophy try to live the present ‘s lies and a pseudo state of  life . For them all is hear in this material world , in this dimension of existence .
There is a centre of command from where a superior Being govern , cordons and monitories the humans activity and the laws of the nature .
The biodiversity , the animals , all beings , the ecosystem are controlled by him ; He is God our Creator . He is omnipresence , omnipotent , omniscient .
God is the Great King ;He is the Alpha and Omega , the begging and the end . In reality , behind the appearances , behind the visible forms , there is a force ,a energy , a super energy ,a entelechy which is the support , the motor and the movement of the entire existence , of the entire ontology and all forms of life . This force , this energy belong to God .
We are the materialization of God's will and power .