3 Things To Know If You Are Ready For Marriage
But ask yourself: "Am I ready for the life long commitment?" It is not a wise this to just jump into marriage as one know that he/she is not ready for the commitment.
Marriage is a serious matter that involves physical, emotional, psychological & even spiritual well being.
Divorce rate is on the high because 80% of married couples just run into marriage feeling that it's all about "been happy ever after".
To be ready for marriage, you need to know the following: 1.
Self-examination Examine why you want to get married.
Are you seeking relief from a bad situation either at home or in school? One young girl confided in her partner: "I'll be so glad when we get married.
Then I won't ever have to make any more decisions!" But rather than lessening your responsibility, marriage greatly increases it in the way you make life changing decisions.
Some have rushed into marriage without first making an "examination.
" But what "examination" should one make? You should look into your own heart and mind to see is you are really ready for this lifelong commitment.
What are your goals in life? How will these be affected by marriage? You have to start thinking seriously about them because the responsibilities of marriage may practically preclude certain goals or careers you have.
Marriage is work Many youths also fail to 'examine' the roles of husband and wife.
Just like a normal designation in a work place where individual have it's own peculiar work schedule, so is marriage.
Husbands and wife have their own peculiar work schedule, and out of love you add some too.
For instance, a typical teenage bride, may says of her husband: "Now that we are married, the only time he acts interested in me is when he wants sex.
He thinks his boyfriends are just as important to be with as I am.
I thought I was going to be his one and only, but was I fooled"! Did her husband realize that being a husband meant he would have to stop playing the role of a single person? If need to show and make a balance of you're your marriage life physically, emotionally and otherwise which includes financial too.
Maturity is need Maturity is more evident than in how you get along with others-primarily those with whom you live.
Learning how to handle disagreement without damaging the other person or your relationship with that one is a valuable lesson to learn.
And this takes maturity.
Having insight and knowing how, when and a where you ought to give an answer to each other.
To some, this problem can seem like impassable mountains.
However, matured people have a different perspective to life in general than youths.
They have already 'climbed some mountains in life' and are emotionally prepared to deal with such problems like this.
So have you truly put away "those childish traits" and "become full-grown in your powers of understanding"? then if you have, you have won the war on maturity.