How a Wandering Child Rediscovers the Path of Life
I have one sister. We are 15 months apart in age. Our parents were not able to raise us. Our mother’s family took turns keeping us, so we drifted from one family to another.
It was finally decided that we needed more—a stable home environment. So I went to live with my mother’s sister and her husband. My sister was raised by our grandmother on our mother’s side. Looking back now, I realize that God, even then, was looking out for us.
Both of us were raised in the church.
The Book of Life
I was baptized early in life, because my aunt thought that it was time, so it was. I was baptized in a fish pond with the tadpoles and frogs. That was OK, because my name was written down in the Book of Life.
After I graduated from high school, I went to work doing clerical work for a plumbing company. Did the marriage thing. Had three children. During all this, I had strayed away from God. I disobeyed his commands more times than I care to tell. During my childhood, I went to church every Sunday for seven years, with missing only one Sunday a month to go see my mother.
Something Is Missing
Life happens, some good, some bad. There was a divorce. When I was away from God, I felt incomplete. Something was missing, even though by all appearances everything was fine. I knew what was wrong. I needed to rededicate my life to God and seek to follow his plans for my life. So, that’s what I did.
Life is full of heartaches, disappointments, medical problems, financial problems, and all sorts of valley experiences, but with God the Father and his Son in our lives, these problems always seem to be less devastating.
God has promised to always be with us and never leave us alone.
Feeling His Presence
I married again in April of 1998. My new husband loves the Lord, and we thank him every day for helping us find each other.
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in April of 2011. I thought I would be terrified, but I gave it to God and asked for his mercy. He was there with me all the time. I could feel His presence.
Step by Step on My Journey Home
I thank him so much for all the blessings of life. No matter how far we roam or what we do, God never forgets us. He’s always waiting for us to come back to him.
God has a perfect plan for us. He never does it all at once, just step by step, because he wants to teach us to walk by faith, not by sight.
Life is a journey,
God is my guide,
We travel safely together—side by side.