Is God Outside Creation or Inside?

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Although hundreds of religions exist, most religions believe in either an "inside" or an "outside" God. What do we mean by that? Let's start by looking at some of the general characteristics that identify each type of god.

Outside gods are always separate from their creation. Although they may be understood as having human characteristics or be depicted with a human-like appearance, they have a different nature. In other words, they are supernatural and their creations are material. They also dwell in a realm outside the material universe. They oversee their handiwork from a distance or occasionally visit the earth.

Outside gods create from materials that already exist or they bring their creations out of chaos. They use breath or spirit as a tool to give life to inanimate creations, and they end life by taking it back. These gods are usually involved in a cosmic struggle between good and evil with imperfect humans in the middle.

Since these gods stand apart from their creation, they can either be interested or disinterested in it. As a result, Humans feel impelled to devise ways to attract and keep a relationship. These gods are usually feared, worshiped, placated and obeyed. Religions, holy books, rules and moral codes are constructed around outside gods and sacrifices are often made to them.

Inside gods are understood in a very different way. They create, or give birth to creation, out of Self. Instead of using spirit as a tool to give and take life, the inside god is the life giving spirit that continually permeates and sustains everything in existence. In this case, energy is transformed into matter and matter into energy, but nothing can ever die because this god is both matter and energy.

It would be impossible for an inside god to be disinterested or uninvolved in creation since these gods cannot be uninterested in Self. Creation has no reason to fear an inside god because these gods won't harm the Self. Worshiping, obeying or placating such a god would be unnecessary since there's no need to fear separation or punishment.

A cosmic struggle between good and evil would be impossible since that would mean a war was going on within the god that could lead to its own destruction. Humans could not be considered imperfect, because that would mean the god was lacking too. Simply put, with an inside god everything is god, and you are that.

Is it just a matter of choice which type of God we believe in? Or, is there a way to know if the Divine is inside or outside creation? Of course our view of God is always our own choice. However, recent research in the field of quantum physics is giving us many new insights about the nature of the Divine.

We now know that the entire universe is one continuous, indivisible, interconnected whole. We can no longer think of the universe as divided between animate and inanimate parts since scientists have discovered every particle that makes up the universe is alive. There is no distinction between energy and matter at the subatomic level of the universe.

Researchers have also discovered that everything in existence, down to the tiniest subatomic particle, is permeated by consciousness. Although scientists have often rejected the concept of God, many physicists now feel that we have no alternative but to realize our universe is God. Some physicists have also proposed that shared consciousness is the One Mind of God.

Although the material world appears to be engaged in a struggle between good and evil, physicists now realize our material world is a virtual reality. They've found that the quantum universe and consciousness are real, and our virtual reality is projected from the quantum. What we see is a nightmare we choose to project. Spiritual masters through the ages have said that and we can wake up from this nightmare anytime we wish to stop thinking in terms of separation and duality and return to oneness.

Quantum research is pointing toward the inside God described in the Upanishads, "In the beginning was only Being, one without a second. Out of himself he brought forth the cosmos and entered into everything in it. There is nothing that does not come from him. Of everything he is the inmost Self." Most importantly, the Upanishads remind us, "You are that. . .you are that."

Does our universe exist outside of its creator or is everything the Divine? The choice is yours. An informed decision is an important first step.

Copyright © Lee and Steven Hager
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