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Arts & Crafts Business : Society & Culture & Entertainment

How to Hang a Guitar on the Wall at an Angle

Guitars are beautiful in appearance as well as sound, and many people enjoy looking at them as well as playing them. Although guitars are more protected from humidity and damage inside a case, you may choose to hang a guitar on your wall so you can appreciate its beauty at times when you're not play

How to Make Lightweight Faux Mountain Props

Mountain props are ideal for school play productions or for large-scale science dioramas. One method to make lightweight faux mountain props is to use chicken wire as the internal structure. Once a basic mountain is formed using lightweight and easy-to-shape chicken wire, paper mache is applied onto

How to Start Painting Model Cars

If you are a novice model builder but want to put a nice finish on your car kits instead of trying to paint by hand, the solution is spray paint. However, spray painting a model car is not the same as spray painting lawn furniture. You might practice a few basic modeling techniques and invest in a f

How to Make Stickers for Cloth

Whether you are a sprouting artist or need some matching shirts for family photos, creating your own stick-on T-shirt designs is the solution. With special printer paper, you can design the entire sticker on your computer using whatever graphics and pictures you want and then print and iron the imag

Video: How to Make Crocheted Circles

Video Transcript Good day, I'm Renaissance Austin, Owner of Raghouse International Boutique. And today, we're making a basic crochet circle. Let's start our basic circle. We're going to chain four and we're going to insert our hook in the very first chain to create our circle. From...

Homestead Crafts

Simple candles for a simple life.candles image by Eldin Muratovic from Fotolia.comThe term "homesteading" brings up images of life on a farm, Bible readings with the children, and a self-sufficient life structured around the home. In truth, modern homesteading is about re-evaluating our...

How to Make Friends Crafts for Kewl Kids

Kids enjoy making crafts for themselves, family and friends. Friendship crafts are popular with kids who want to show their appreciation to their best buddies. There are many friends' crafts for cool, or "kewl," kids to make, including matching sticker scrapbooks, friendship pins, friendship bracele

How to Bugle Braid

A bugle braid, also known as a monkey chain or chain sinnet, is a special knotting technique that is used on a single piece of string, rope, ribbon or wire. Bugle braids are used by the military and musicians to create strong and durable leads for musical instruments. Bugle braiding also creates a p

How to Make Your Own Candle Molds

You can create some unique and very creative candles by reusing containers as candle molds. Most any water tight container can be used to create candle molds with interesting textures and shapes.

DIY Flower Girl Sand Pail

Tailoring traditional wedding elements to match the environment in which you hold the ceremony is an effective way to create a blended aesthetic, and it doesn't require a lot of work. For example, giving the flower girl a sand pail instead of a basket to carry flower petals is a way to connect the d

How to Make Lino Cut Rubber Stamps

Frederick Walton invented linoleum, or lino, in England in 1860 flooring. While he intended it as flooring, artists love the medium because it is easy to carve for use in block prints and stamps. Small pieces are perfect for cutting custom stamps. Linoleum is inexpensive and readily available at hob

How to Copyright a Pattern

The cloth diaper pattern fits the baby perfectly. The outfit you sewed for your daughter's doll is her favorite. Everyone asks where you bought your dress. If your designs are etched into a pattern on paper, congratulations; your work now rightfully belongs to you. According to the U.S. Copyright Of

Turning Tragedy Into A Business

As a child I was always fascinated by the beauty of flowers. My mother was a floral designer and I spent a lot of time helping her create her work. It didn't take me long ...

How to Make Handmade Seed Paper

Although it resembles ordinary handmade paper, seed paper packs quite a surprise. When buried it produces bunches of flowers that serve as a season-long memento, making it quite popular for items like wedding programs, birthday party favors and get-well cards. Seed paper is a way to add a personal t

Tips & Tricks for How to Decorate & Paint an Apartment With Less Money

Moving into a new apartment often requires hefty deposits for utilities and the apartment itself, in addition to paying movers, buying boxes and other moving costs. Consequently, many people find themselves unable to decorate, paint or furnish the apartment they've just expended so much time and eff

Components of Glitter

Glitter is made from light-reflecting particles, and its use dates back thousands of years. In fact, prehistoric man used mica flakes for cave paintings because of its reflective quality. Glitter is used in crafts, makeup and as an edible decoration for cakes and baked goods. The components of glitt

Modern Use of the Luscher Color Test

Dr. Max Luscher, a Swiss psychotherapist, invented the Luscher Color Test to decipher psycho-physical states in patients based on color. Although the test is no longer widely used (especially in the U.S.), proponents of the test find it useful in several ways. The test brought on the important scien

How to Determine a Valuable Oil Painting

Perhaps lurking in your attic somewhere is an old oil painting -- a family heirloom you think has some value. Or you spy an epic landscape oil painting at the neighborhood garage sale that you believe may be worth something. Determining its value is helpful for many reasons, such as for insurance pu