More Blogging = Higher Sales
It is a pre-packaged program that can be setup on any web server, or there are other free alternatives available such as blogger.
com that allow anyone to quickly and easily setup their own blog and begin sharing their thoughts with the world.
The word "blog" comes from the two terms "web" and "log".
The blog contains regular commentaries from the blog owner about interesting or informative information, website links, pictures, videos and more.
Blogs can be setup as a stand-alone feature, or easily integrated into an existing website.
Blogging can be a great way to promote your company's products & services, and also be recognized as an authority on the subject you're blogging about.
You can also gain visibility for your website by commenting on other people's blogs.
It's smart business to find blogs about your company's industry and make insightful and helpful comments.
These comments will help drive traffic to your website and the readers will recognize you as an expert.
com is a great resource to find other blogs to comment on.
Blog Writing Tips 1.
Write about something worthwhile.
Follow the 5 W's in the first paragraph - who, what, when, why and where.
Follow the KISS rule - Keep It Short and Simple! Most people scan when they're reading, particularly online.
Get to the point immediately.
Write attention grabbing headlines.
Write like you're talking to someone - you are.
Keep the information clear - you want to gain their trust so they return.
Use keywords to try and get search engine traffic.
Link to other bloggers, who in return will link to you, and everyone gets more traffic.
Make sure your links are highlighted and say where they're going not just "click here" 10.
Time stamp your posts so everyone knows how current they are.
Proofread, check grammar and content before posting.
Pose a question to your readers to make them want to participate and comment.
These guidelines should be enough to allow anyone to take the leap into the world of blogging and promote your products / services, and most importantly, yourself! Blogging has really become a culture of its own and is quickly becoming main stream.
Jump in and have fun!