2 Essential Elements for You to Say "I Save My Marriage"
These days people nearly don't think twice about getting a divorce.
Many times, the decision to divorce is made in the heat of the moment, usually in an intense argument, and is made out of reaction rather than thoughtful consideration.
Couples are usually still in love with each other but because they wanted to avoid looking bad and want to stand their ground will stubbornly go ahead without thinking to prove their point.
If you are committed to your marriage, divorce is the last resort you would want to go through, especially if children are involved.
You could be the one to say "I save the marriage", and yes you can do it, even if you are the only side committed to it at the moment.
Here are two fundamental concepts you can take on to save your marriage: Stop reacting and start listening.
May be what your spouse is saying isn't about you personally.
Many times your own interpretations lead you to believe, you are being blamed for something.
Most of the time when your spouse is arguing, they are just venting out their anger that is collected from the past.
If you could provide the opportunity for him or her to just release it, by listening and without making it mean anything about you personally, even if it looks as if they are blaming you, they would be able to let go whatever hurt or resentment that was left inside them.
They would return themselves to their true self that loves you.
And sometimes they would even feel grateful that you have provided for them the space to say anything they need to say for them to let go.
Be compassionate and forgive.
We are humans, we make mistakes.
As like us, many times our partner has made and will make mistakes too.
The point isn't to take those mistakes and hold on to them as grudges or resentments.
The point is to get that mistakes have been made, forgive and let go.
Sometimes we carry these grudges and think our partner would be hurt because we are sad.
That's like drinking poison and expects another to fall ill.
And if we are hurt by their actions or behavior, we can make simple requests, non-confrontationally that they stop those actions or behavior.
Sometimes they do not know that what they are doing is hurting you.
You have got to communicate that to let them know in a respectful manner.
And forgiveness does not mean you lose, you lose face, you are the weaker side, or you are being taken advantage of.
Forgiveness just means you understand that mistake has been made and you are willing to let it go.
When this is done consistently, your partner has freedom and ease to be around you and love to be in your company where nothing is ever wrong for them.
As you can see, you can be the one who starts saving your marriage right now and its not that difficult as it may appear to be at first.
Yes, it will take some effort and commitment on your part, but the outcome that is to have a happy and vibrant marriage is well worth it.
You can take it like going to the gymn.
The first few weeks will be difficult at first, but once you get the hang of it, it will get smoother.
Good luck!