Why a Blog is Key to Driving Traffic to Your Site
There are other articles written with the details of blogging in mind.
Why is a blog so key to getting more traffic? The reason is it is exactly what the search engines are looking for.
They want fresh, up to date and highly relevant content to provide their web surfers.
A blog does exactly that.
If you update it regularly and have it set up properly it will be pinging various sites which are spidered by the search engine robots.
So as you update it your pages will be found by the search engines.
Here are a few keys to good blogging; 1.
Pick a general topic and stick to that topic (internet marketing, your product, your company, etc.
) 2.
Post quality interesting posts that have personality in them 3.
Be an expert on your topic 4.
Write press releases that are newsworthy and link back to your blog 5.
Encourage your readers to subscribe to your newsletter or RSS feed 6.
Add yourself to MyBlogLog 7.
Claim your blog on Technorati 8.
Add Feed Burner to your site 9.
Add a signature to all emails with a link back to your blog There are many places to go to learn more about blogging and what specific programs to use, how to use them and specific add-ons that work well to drive traffic to your blog you can view some of articles that are posted on the internet.
Specifically you can look up "making money blogging" on Google.
Steve Pavlina is a great resource for bloggers.