How to Make a Guy Fall in Love
You just cannot imagine not being around him and not ending up in a relationship with him.
You are dead set on doing whatever you can to make this guy fall in love with you and you will not be stopped! And the very thought of this makes you a little bit nervous.
How can you make a guy fall in love with you and make sure that you do not let him get away from you? Here are a few tips on how to make a guy fall in love: 1.
Get YOURSELF ready to be loved.
Although this has to do with you and not with him, it is VERY important.
You have to be ready to accept and receive love into your life or else you will be likely to push it away somehow.
A man will not treat you the way that you want to be treated if you do not love yourself and are not ready to fall in love, so make sure that you do and you are.
Make him feel BETTER when he is around you.
Complaining and moaning about things is not going to make a man want to spend time with you.
You want to be that little bit of sunshine in his life and make him feel better just by being around you.
Making a guy feel like this has a pretty magical effect on him and will make it EASY for him to fall in love with you.
Play hard to get with him, but don't make him chase after you too hard.
Most men get a kick out of pursuing a woman, but there is going to come a time when if it seems like he has to try too hard, then he will move on and start looking for another.
Don't be afraid to play hard to get with him though, as this can build the sexual tension with a man to the point where he cannot stop thinking about you.
All three tips are vital when you want to make a guy fall in love, but be careful to follow the first one before anything else.
You have to be ready to find love and then it will find you.