Sick of the Keyboard? There Are Other Options
They include, the typing buttons, the keypad, the function button, the control buttons and space bar.
The main keys that people think of on the keyboard would be the typing buttons.
These include the letters of the alphabet which in most models are laid out in the QWERTY pattern.
This pattern is named because of the first six letters from the top left of the typing keys.
In the days before computers this pattern helped prevent the mechanical arm from jamming on the typewriter.
It has long been the standard of typing.
There are other typing arrangements which many are completely unaware of.
Among them are Dvorak in which the layout places off of the vowels on the left side and consonants on the right.
Some people believe it increases their speed and finger fatigue.
There are other relevant buttons on most keyboards which many have never noticed or didn't know existed.
Including but not limited to, the home button, end button, insert button, delete button, page up button, page down key, control key, alternate key, and the escape key.
The Windows keyboard system does add a few extra controls which include two Windows buttons otherwise known as Start tabs, and it also has an Application button.
There is a command key or apple key on the apple keyboard.
In the end there are many details when referring to the keyboard but it's really a quite basic piece of hardware that for the most part has stayed close to its origins.
However if you are sick of the current format there is other formats in existence and several buttons that could help make your work more productive.