How to Make Phone Calls Over the Internet to a Land-Line Phone
- 1). Download and install Skype on your computer. Follow the installation wizard to install the program correctly. Register for a Skype account.
- 2). Open the Skype application and click "Call Phones."
- 3). Enter the land-line phone number of the person you are calling and click "Call."
- 1). Download and install Yahoo! Messenger on your computer. Follow the installation wizard to install the program. Register for a Yahoo! account.
- 2). Click "Call Phone Number" and sign up for a Yahoo! Voice account.
- 3). Enter the land-line phone number of the person you are calling and click "Call."
- 1). Sign up for a Gmail account and access your account.
- 2). Scroll down and click "Call Phone" and enter the land-line number you are calling.
- 3). Click "Call" and wait for the party to answer the phone.