Leo Horoscope for February 2011
Until the 4th, the mental focus will be on getting things running smoothly on practical levels or paying more attention to health and diet. Also getting straight with repairs, maintenance, decorating etc. Organizing all that basic stuff helps you pave the way for better conditions in the future.
From the 4th more discussions are likely and a lot can be accomplished if you co-operate, collaborate and sometimes compromise with others as their ideas may be useful or, if they are not, at least they help you to clarify your own and maybe pick up some pointers in the process. It's likely someone will be there in a supportive capacity giving you a hand or you benefit from their advice or other contribution which could improve health or conditions generally which affect daily life. You and a partner may be improving a space or some other aspect of your day to day existence. Collaborating with another in practical ways can be very productive and make life easier just now.
The Solar eclipse in January opens the way to change and fresh beginnings related to daily work routines, skills, colleagues and generally being of service in your particular area. This also relates to your state of wellbeing or the health of others and you get the chance to change things for the better here as well over coming months.
Mars is hotting up the close relationship area and partnerships can be dynamic and a rather lively at times. Another's demands could seem unreasonable and you will have to search for a win/win solution or just agree to disagree. Or this could translate as you knowing where to draw the line and not allow yourself to over-react or overstretch your energies on behalf of certain others. Overall a partner's influence can be helpful as you can share the load, or get twice as much done.
Until 2012, Saturn continues to emphasise that communications is an area where you have to be well organized.
Education or mental work is highlighted and you will have to be consistent regarding paper-work, deadlines, or other types of media which is more creative and self-expressive. Maybe having to be the explainer, the teacher, the co-ordinater yourself which involves juggling various schedules or interacting with others with differing points of view or levels of understanding. You won't want to waste too much time on gossip, you'd rather cut to the chase and bring some structure to your communications activity. This vibration could also translate as keeping your ear to the ground, listening more intuitively and sensing which way the wind is blowing in the group consciousness. Feeling more pressure to communicate well, or seeking outlets for information or where to source information. More comings and goings are a strong possibility. But whatever is going on in this regard, understand that you are building knowledge or a data base, or expressing yourself through some medium in a step-by-step manner which will stand you in good stead in the long-run.
Until mid-year, Jupiter is in a fellow fire-sign which is an excellent position for you Leos. Jupiter's position will be helping expand your world and your knowledge over coming months. You could be growing academically but also your horizons will broaden as you touch new areas of interest, through education or travel and hands-on personal experience, so take that chance to plunge into an unfamiliar environment which broadens your understanding. Teachers or increased long-distance contacts are highlighted over this phase. Avoid being too zealous or over-reach yourself in these areas from the 21st onwards
When Mars moves on the 23rd you'll begin about 6 weeks of transitioning from one level to the next, but along the way feeling an little more sensitive and self protective as there may be a clash with someone and you have to get over yourself to find a solution. On the up-side, intimacy with another could increase and you could be pooling your resources in a way which demands physical effort from you. Some kind of ending could occur and feelings may be nearer the surface, but also this is a phase of transition and so a renewal will also be in the pipeline.