Divorces Are the Consequences of Marriages
Marrying the wrong person makes everything worse and you cannot really be fulfilled.
The different conceptions regarding the family life can be a growing factor, but people tend to get divorced when they disagree too much and when they can no longer negotiate.
Analysts are looking for pragmatic indicators to build their preventive strategies on ad their efficient therapy methods.
Everything starts with a convinced Yes, which engages emotional pitches and trust in the partner's beauty, mystery and ecstasy of love.
This is the dream every couple has and starts their marriage with.
In the beginning, there is a lot of affection and the two believe that there is no way thy could be miserable, but this sometimes changes.
Usually, things get worse gradually and the marriage only gets worse in time.
It can last months or years until things start breaking apart.
Apparently, there were more divorces than marriages in 2007.
Also, it appears that the couples between thirty and thirty-nine years old are the most likely to get divorced, the motives being formulated in court or not being formulated at all, but still being essential for establishing the causes of the divorce.
Although there are a lot of statistics, this is real people we are talking about, people who suffer and have dreams, so a divorce also has to do with one's moral values and absolute spirit.
They are the one which configure one's character and their stability.