What You Should Really Know About Making Him Fall in Love
Your first step is to encourage communication.
The more you talk together the closer and stronger your relationship is.
This is also a good way to find out how he really feels toward the relationship.
If you have fostered good communication together then he will feel comfortable and open to telling you why he does not feel ready to fall in love just yet.
The next step is to make sure that you spend a lot of time doing fun activities together.
Don't repeat the same activities too close together or too often because then it starts to feel like a routine and you never want the relationship to feel too much like a routine.
Many men will fear getting into rut and feeling like they are trapped and unable to have fun anymore, so make sure the relationship remains something that he really enjoys.
The final thing that you really need to remember and focus on is that love cannot be forced.
If you try and pressure him or trick him into saying that he loves you, then you are likely to get empty words.
Men will often fight against a situation if they feel they are being forced to do something they do not want to so you may end up losing him if you push him too much.
Your best option is to simply keep the relationship fun and happy for the both of you and the rest will eventually fall in to place on its own.