People Now Able to Buy E Cigarettes Almost Anywhere
If you do decide to buy e cigarettes, most people tend to buy an e cig starter kit the first time so that they have everything they need in order to start smoking electronic cigarettes. An e cig starter kit is available with many different options, and usually can buy an e cig starter kit anywhere that you can buy e cigarettes. There are about three average types of an e cig starter kit: a one piece, two piece, or three piece set, although almost every e cig starter kit basically has the same components: at least one 'main' mouthpiece, which is the part that looks like a real cigarette, a battery or two with a charger (sometimes an e cig kit will come with a second battery so that you can have one charging while using the other, promising to never run out of power, as it would be the equivalent of having a tobacco cigarette without a lighter), and cartridges that have e-juice in them, which is the liquid that's made with nicotine and propylene glycol, which makes the electronic cigarettes produce a vapor that can be inhaled by the smoker. The price ranges of an e cig kit vary by brand and the contents, and one factor is the kind of cartridges included in the kit, as you can buy e cigarettes cartridges that are either disposable or refillable. Typically, if you buy e cigarettes cartridges that are disposable you will probably have to buy a more expensive e cig kit, as the disposable cartridges typically cost more. If you buy e cigarettes with refillable cartridges, you just have to keep some e-juice handy, which is usually also included in an e cig kit.
Next time you're in line at the grocery store, look next to the cigarettes and you're likely to see a selection of electronic cigarettes displayed as though they've been there forever.