The Sabbath Was Made For Man

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Many Christians believe that the seventh day of creation was not the sabbath day of the fourth commandment and they use Jesus' statement of "the sabbath was made for man and not man for the sabbath" to say, "see, the sabbath was made for man, therefore it's not important that we keep the sabbath".
But these sincere Christians are missing an important point that Jesus was giving.
Jesus said that the "sabbath was MADE for man".
Now there is only one place in the Bible where we see the sabbath day being MADE.
When was that? At creation! What did God do after the sixth day? Did He just start back at day one again? No, He MADE another day.
Why did He make another day? Was it for Himself, so that He could rest each week? No, He made it for mankind, so that after six days of working, we could spend a special day with Him, resting and worshipping Him.
The sabbath day was setup by God as a memorial to creation.
It's a day that sets our God apart from all other gods, in that He is the Creator God and it is Him that we serve.
Now going back to this sabbath being made for man, take a look at the fourth commandment.
It says "For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day; wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
" Do you see what God is saying here? He confirms in the fourth commandment that the seventh day of creation IS THE SABBATH DAY! Do you see it? It's so clear! And this ties in with Jesus stating that the sabbath was MADE for man.
It was made at creation.
Take a look at the similarities between the seventh day of creation and the sabbath day of the fourth commandment: The seventh day of creation: The seventh day; blessed; sanctified; rested; points to creation.
The Sabbath of the fourth commandment: The seventh day; blessed; sanctified; rest; points to creation.
It's the same day! So what does this mean? It means that the sabbath day was instituted BEFORE sin entered this world, and that means the sabbath could not be a "shadow" of anything and that God intended it to be observed for eternity, and Isaiah 66:22-23 confirms this fact.
There is not one word of scripture that confirms the sabbath of the 4th commandment to be abolished or changed.
It was instituted at creation, included in the ten commandments, kept by Jesus and still stands today.
The first of the three angels messages points to the sabbath, warning the world to worship Him who made the heaven and earth and the seas, and by keeping the true sabbath day (not Sunday), we are acknowledging that we worship the one true God who created all things.
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