Relax With A Wind Chime Garden
A wind chime garden can be easily and simply created in any size surrounding. Whether you live out in the country and have extensive space in which to ply your creativity or you live in a smaller area, you can create your own personal and unique wind chime garden.
To enhance the mood, Feng Shui suggesting hanging your chimes in northwestern areas located near archways or statues. Select a location that will not interfere with the mood you wish to set in order to receive the maximum benefits. Whether you are looking to compliment an area or enhance other elements that already exist, wind chimes are an excellent way to relax and unwind.
When hung outside, wind chimes can provide a wonderful addition to any landscape. In a flower garden, they provide a welcome enhancement to water features as well as accessorizing walkways and entry ways. For a soothing and relaxing way to enjoy the outdoors, there is virtually no limit to the ways in which you can enhance your outdoor living areas with wind chimes.
If you happen to enjoy integrating sound into your outdoors, the idea of creating a windchime garden might be very appealing. Set your already beautiful view to music by carefully selecting a variety of wind chimes to compliment your garden area. Your wind chime garden can envelop your entire back yard or may be limited to a small area within your landscape, depending on your preference. The true beauty of a wind chime garden is that you can design it according to your own wishes and desires. Select the placement, tone and style of wind chimes that appeals most to you.
One way to implement a wind chime garden into your outdoor living area might be to selectively place wind chimes throughout the yard. Pay close attention to the patterns and direction of wind when placing the chimes and you will be able to create your own whimsical and soothing outdoor concert.
Ideally, it is best to choose chimes that are simple in order to avoid any potential clashes in style. Simple, basic wind chimes will blend effortlessly regardless of where they are placed. Some of the most simple designs produce the purest sounds while providing a visually appealing garden of whimsy.
If you happen to have more eclectic taste; however, feel free to choose a variety of wind chimes that are just as eclectic as your taste and will provide conversation pieces as well as soothing music.
You might also consider hanging your chimes at different heights. Hang a set of chimes on your deck, while placing another set among the flowers and even another set in the tree line. As the breeze blows across your yard, you will be serenaded with beautiful sounds.
To make your wind chime garden even more visually appealing, consider hanging your chimes directly within your line of sight. By handing them in carefully selected locations where they will catch the sun as it rises in the morning and sets at night, you will tremendously increase the beauty of your garden area.
A wind chime garden produces a number of benefits; including visual and auditory. Not only will you be able to enjoy the beauty of your chimes but their peaceful harmony can also actually cut down on external noises around your property. This can be particularly helpful if you live in an area where there is significant traffic noise. By mingling your chimes with tall flowers you can effectively create a sound barrier to block out all of that irritating noise.
Why not incorporate smell and even touch into your wind chime garden as well? Add some comfortable seating to create an outdoor room. Place your garden near the main seating area to provide soothing background music while you entertain or simply gaze up at the stars. Introduce elements along with your chimes into your garden, which will arouse the senses. By lighting a large candle or burning a fire in an outdoor fire pit, you can create a romantic atmosphere that will be relaxing and intriguing.
Regardless of how you choose to design your wind chime garden you will be sure to benefit from the myriad of advantages it provides. Perhaps the best part of designing a wind chime garden is that you can choose to make it as unique as your own personal style. Illuminate your own personality using the sounds, sights and scents of nature. Wind chimes provide the perfect personal tool to get started.