Love Like No Other
" A line from a song that every lover wants to achieve in a relationship.
Here's some tips in having a good and long lasting relationship: First, communicate everyday, learn to appreciate everything that your partner have for that appreciation one can boost its self esteem and confidence.
Learn also to be a good listener than to be the speaker for it is in listening that we understand.
Second, If troubles come comfort him/her not blaming him/her for what happened.
Believe that everything will be alright at the end of the day.
Third, corrections are needed in a relationship it is where you can find your weakness and strengths for each other.
Correct each other but in a loving way.
Fourth, don't expect.
If your giving him/her a gift or a favor don't expect something in return for it is in loving others more than ourselves that we receive.
Also, do not count what you have given to that person if you do you are putting your right foot on the fire.
Fifth, give Time.
Time is the best expression of love.
For in our busiest days we find time to love him/her.
Sixth, be thankful to God and to that person that you have him/her for each person is always a gift to us no matter what circumstances are you in.
Seventh, Pray.
Pray for each other that the love you have for each other will last, because most of today's couple don't last long because they forget to pray for each other.
Loving like no other is a great responsibility but your efforts are all worth it.
Good luck loving.