Easy Container Gardening - Mulching For Free
If your garden is in more need of mulching than your yard, try raking up the grass clippings and using them in your container garden. By spreading a small layer around the vicinity of the plant, you apply all the same benefits to your plant as if you have left it on your lawn. It really just comes down to which is your highest mulching priority.
Pruning activities can leave you with another mulching opportunity. After each pruning you may not get a significant amount of clippings but you can save them up each time and when you get enough stock piled it may make sense to rent a wood chipper or use a chainsaw to create mulch from your pruning sessions that otherwise would have ended up in the trash.
Creating your own mulch is a rewarding experience as you not only save lots of money by not buying pre-packaged mulch, but you also save space in our landfills. So you get to turn your so called garbage into mulch and put it to good use which increases the health of your plants while saving you money.
Container to Soil Ratio
You may have many large containers that you would love to see used for your container garden but don't see yourself filling them to the brim with soil. A great soil saving tip is fill the bottom of the large container with aluminum cans. This technique fills up the empty space at the bottom, and allows a reasonable top area left to fill with soil for planting. The container appears to be completely full from the outside. Your garden admirers will never know that it's half filled with aluminum cans.
Rain Barrels
Conserving free rain water! Finding the barrels will probably be the hardest part. You can use your own garbage cans, or head to your home improvement store to get a few 55 gallon plastic drums. These can be expensive and difficult to transport, so keep that in mind before you go to the store and buy 10 of them. You will probably want to cover the top of the barrel with a screen of some sort to filter out any unwanted leaves or debris.
Usually during rainfall, there is one corner of the house that rain tends to pour off of more than others. To get the most rain put your barrel under this area. If you want to take a more complicated approach to placing the barrels, you could consider changing your gutter-system a bit. If this is applicable for your situation, you can remove each individual segment and place it at a slight slant so that all the water is diverted to the nearest corner of the house, then place a rain barrel at each corner. So essentially your entire house acts like a rain catcher which maximizes the amount of water your rain barrels can offer for your watering needs. Recycled rain water is one of the best ways to save your gardening dollar.
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Happy Gardening!