Canon PowerShot SX50 HS 12MP Reviews
first the Samsumg Wb500, in light of the fact that I'm inhabiting the shoreline where we require level space for our portraits, henceforth can make best utilization of the 24mm vast lens.
second the Olympus Sp-800uz, in light of the fact that in a harbor territory there are bunches of wall and untouchable zones, where they won't gave you access, however you just need, need and need to take your pics regardless, thus hinge on upon zoom potential.
Moreover there are seabirds and seal, a modest sheep's eye, a far off cow's tongue, whatever - I just never went out without the 30x zoom of my Olympus.
A few weeks back anyway, I perceived that other than taking pictures I'd want to occasionally take motion pictures, as well.
Also this is, the place the Canon Sx50 Hs cought my consideration, since:
My Olympus can take better than average films, yet either you need it to zoom, so you have to go without sound. On the other hand you need sound, so it won't zoom.
No remark.
My Samsung can take average films, even with zoom and sound, yet once you touch the zoom, it will process this troublesome grinding clamor, which ruins whatever climate.
So I googled my touch and my nostrils got wide when I cought whiff of Canon Sx50 Hs' scent.
A scaffold Polaroid with 24mm far reaching lens, x50 in place of my precious x30 zoom?
Alright, here is, the thing that I can tell about 12 days later of testing:
I tried it for 3 days with 3 Polaroids around my neck. Each film I shot, each picture I took, were shot thrice.
Interim (day 11) I just go out with one Polaroid with me, with Canon Sx50 Hs).
Starting with the effects of what my different cams completed satisfyingly exceptional in any case:
The 24mm extensive lens is anyhow tantamount to is the Samsung Wb500 one. No unbalanced bending. You can approach the boat or whaterver else flat you wish to take your pic of, and will be fulfilled by the effect.
Standard Sx50 vs Olympus Sp-800uz: obviously the zoom range 30:50 stands for itself.
The eminent contrast also however is the Canon's stabilisation potential.
Regardless of if picture or movie, where an Olympus' shot hinges on upon totally unfaltering hand, your Canon will be tolerant and sort of swing it out elegantly.
I aggregated a few movies Canon vs Olympus on YouTube, to show the contrast, you can find me on "amseehafen", provided that you jump at the chance to watch.
I additionally put there bunches of movies, which to even attempt wouldn't have boded well with both the different cams.
first: Neither Samsung Wb500 nor Olympus Sp-800uz are any great after sun down.
Still, such a harbor zone has its enticements at evening time also.
So one of my first Canon tests was, to see, how it might handle murkiness.
You can see a few outcomes at YouTube amseehafen, as well. It paints dark and light. Truly fresh and impeccable. Amazing.
My next motivation to affection the Canon is, that it is way more tolerant re developments, shaking of hand, and so forth.
Obviously it shakes like heck, if your hand is straightforwardly being turned by beachfront winds.
Who wouldn't.
Yet provided that its just partly still, you can zoom the full amount (counting computerized) zoom without tripod, and win undreamt of fresh and smooth results.
The sound, then again, from the start stunned me. Knattering, rattling, boisterous. (!?)
Until I discovered, that the offender was our steady beachfront wind. So I lessened clamor affectability down to close deafness, and voila: This ravishing Polaroid's sound is pretty impeccable. It can even handle wind and make it resemble wind. Which - you'll concur, in the event that you're at any rate encountered - is a considerable bit of masterfulness!
(Expansion - composed 1 month after: On the long hand the stunned microfones are not fulfilling, on the grounds that they gag an excessive amount of sought environment sounds, as well. However some examination on YouTube gave me the thought, which served to tackle the issue: Just append a bit of hide through doublesided sticky tape round the microfone openings. Make a point not to piece the openings. I concede, it gives your cam an astounding clever look, yet hey - you'll adore the sound! Uncover my exercise and sound cases on YouTube Amseehafen... Please ReadMore