How to Stay Focused With ADHD
- 1). Take your prescribed medicine as directed. Not maintaining a regular medicinal schedule can make you hyperactive, forgetful and reduce your attention span. Take your medicine every day at the same time.
- 2). Write out a daily "to do" list and stick to it. When people set goals for themselves and write them down, they are more likely to accomplish them.
- 3). Allow yourself to take scheduled breaks. When you know you have a break coming up, you will be more likely to work up until that time.
- 4). Fidget as much as you want. According to ADDitude Magazine, those with ADHD who move and fidget around are able to stay more focused. Chew a piece of gum, doodle on a notebook, crochet a sweater or play with a stress reliever ball.
- 5). Sit in a location that makes it easy for you to focus. If you're in class or at a meeting, sitting in the back can make you more prone to drift off. For some people, sitting in the front and center can help them stay focused.
- 6). Do you work at a time of day where you feel best. If you're a night person, take night classes or do your work then. If you're unable to choose your work schedule, make sure you get plenty of rest and have eaten well.