How to Save the Marriage When Spouse Wants to Quit - Keep Quiet For a Change!
How do you save your marriage when your spouse has almost decided to call it quits? Though the normal tendency is to breakdown, throw tantrums, beg or plead with your spouse not to leave you, but all these can not save the marriage. On the contrary it would ruin your chances of getting back your spouse and jeopardize your efforts to put the marriage back on tracks.
So what should you do to save the marriage, when your spouse calls it quits? As strange as it may sound - just keep mum. It is difficult to keep quite and be a listener during these traumatic times, but this is exactly what you need to do, if you want to hear out your spouse, listen to his or her grievances and be supportive of the decision to quit.
The last thing you should do to save the marriage is to justify your actions or inactions as the case may be. Your silence can open up fresh avenues for reconciliation, if there are chances of that at all. Remember the mute has no enemy. Even if your marriage cannot be saved though you remained silent throughout the process of mud slinging, at least you are saved from being a partner for instigating a divorce. Things have to calm down after some time when your spouse is likely to see reason. If he or she truly loved you, they would see enough reasons to stick with you instead of moving on. Just keep quiet and listen. This can actually go a long way to save your marriage.
The only thing your spouse is expecting from you when he or she announces the decision to separate is that you would go out of your way to plead and beg. On the contrary, when you support the decision to split, they are completely taken aback. They start wondering about various possibilities. Was divorce always in your mind? Is there someone hiding in the background? Several thoughts like these plague the mind and these could be strong enough to change his or her mind. Silence is a powerful tool to save your marriage.