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Networking & Internet : Technology

How to Add a Page in a Blogger Margin

Blogger’s Page feature allows you to create static pages linked from the front page of your blog. Creating a static page is a useful way to include a privacy policy, contact information, terms and conditions or a general “About Me” page for your blog. Once you have created a Blogge

Web Proxy Vs. VPN

A Web proxy receives requests from a client and then presents the request to the server on the client's behalf. A VPN (virtual private network) protects network traffic as it crosses the Internet. These are two very different technologies, but they do have some applications in common.

Search Engine Marketing New York Will Promote Your Website

Websites have done a lot to promote businesses. With the ability to take ventures to the global level, they've greatly aided local businesses, propelling entrepreneurs to the world stage. But businesses aren't the only ones ...

Cheap Domain Name Review

Are you looking for some of the companies on the web that offer cheap domain name registration? Well, great! For your interest, here are a few of the sites online where you can find cheap ...

Cheap Domains Hosting Services

For earning potential income from online business, it is very important to own a domain. There are several companies that provide online domain hosting and services but businessmen always look for the cheapest of the ...

How to Resize Columns in Sharepoint

SharePoint is website content and document management software designed and distributed by Microsoft for use with Windows XP, Vista and 7. It is advertised as freeware, although premier and professional versions are available for a fee. The software is used primarily by companies and organizations a

How to Convert a GIF File to HTML

Converting an image file, like a GIF, to a plain text file, like HTML, is a useful way to change a static image into a document that you can edit, copy and paste. Most scanned documents are actually first scanned as image files, and then OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software is used to identi

How to Get Sound When Messaging From Facebook

Facebook instant messaging, or chat, lets you transmit messages to your confirmed friends in real time. Chat from the corner of your Facebook screen, or use the pop-out feature to open your conversation in a new browser window. If you want to do other tasks on your computer while you have a chat con

Tips for a Profit Pulling Copy

Every internet marketing plan has to include copywriting in its formula. In fact, online fortunes have been made by marketers whose main skill was writing powerful copy for their products. Having effective sales copy will ...

A Home Buisness Evaluate... FYI

Vemma Review: A Closer Look Customers: Vemma sells four various vitamin and also anti-oxidant-enriched fruit juice refreshments. They have their own main Vemma drink, an energy ingest called Verve, the hydration consume for sports athletes ...

How to Upload WMA Files

WMA (Windows Media Audio) files are usually used to save and share audio recordings, like speeches, special events and music. An audio file can grow quite large depending on the length of the recording, which makes WMA files harder to share over email; to that end, many email programs freeze when at

Local Schools Network. How to Meet Local Men - 5 Easy Steps

Liking a man plus in the end uncovering effectively that he fate miles perfectly good a particular could reside disappointing.Long breadth relationships do memor perspiration all the things the time.A relationship's relate isle additional cemented ...

Mobile Satellite Internet - Being Wired on the Go

The wonders of technology never cease to amaze. First came that charming creation called email; next we had chat rooms and groups, which soon grew up into full fledged social networks which have saved and salvaged many a shipwrecked friendship; then came the visual onslaught with HD videos, full len

How To Attract Affiliates

In this article we will discuss how to attract affiliates to your business or program.

How to Combine 2 Magazine Pages in Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is widely used for many different purposes, but one of the most common is for modifying images and combining them with others. A good example of this can be seen in the technique where two separate images of two individuals are combined to produce an image where half of one persons f

Can I Use Google TV Without a Cable Provider?

Google TV is a device by Google, which could potentially change the way you get your home entertainment. Google TV connects to your existing television and broadband Internet connection to scan your cable provider and the Internet for programs and videos. A cable provider will not prevent Google TV

How to Change the Destination Proxy for Magic Jack

Magic Jack is a combination of Windows software and a USB dongle that can be used to make telephone calls from a computer. The Magic Jack software digitizes your spoken words and sends the resulting packets over the Internet to a Magic Jack proxy server, which bridges the audio stream to the convent