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Marriage & Divorce : Family & Relationships

Saving a Marriage: 5 Ways to Consider

Saving a marriage: 5 ways to consider After a marriage, there are various reasons which may result in the break-up or divorce. As a member in this relationship, you should know ways to save it once there is a sight of misunderstanding. Saving at the beginning is always better than later, when the si

Is My Wife Having An Emotional Affair With Someone?

You and your wife don't talk much anymore. Lately, you've noticed her on the computer or her phone a lot more. Is she talking to friends, or is it something more? How can you tell if she is having an emotional affair, and what can you do if she is?

The Relationship Dance

We've all experienced the dance of a relationship €" whether it's an intimate partnership, a friendship, or a work relationship €" together choreographing those steps that over time develop into an established routine. Sometimes the ...

Filing For Separation - Are You Ready to Call it Quits?

Whether you call it separation or divorce, deciding to split up is a decision that should never be taken lightly. There is always a time where space is needed between you and your partner, and space sometimes can be a very healthy decision. It allows both parties to be able to rationally think about

Factors Influencing Divorce

There are many factors in a marriage that can influence a divorce, from infidelity, to simply growing apart. However, it has become harder to pinpoint the exact factors influencing each divorce due to the no-fault grounds option. This option is available in most areas of America; according to Divorc

How To Destroy Your Marriage In A Few Easy Steps (And How To Save It Instead)

We all have done these things in our relationships. We do some of these things because doing them is the path of least resistance, even though the results don't bring us the love we want. In other cases, we believe it is the way to relate to others. However, relationships work much better when

Overcoming Communication Breakdowns in Marriage, Healing the Brokenness

Communication breakdown is often cited as the most common complaint in struggling marriages. Healing the brokenness in the marriage and overcoming communication breakdowns in marriage requires perseverance and a shift in attitudes but it is possible even if only one person is trying.

Starting Over Again - Dating Tips for the Divorced Woman

You feel kind of like you are back at square one, starting over again. At one time, you had thought you had found the right guy, you got married and things seemed like they were really moving in the right direction. Of course, if you are reading this, then it means that somewhere along the way thing

Confession of a Spouse: A Story Behind A Stroke

People often give sympathy to those who suffered from stroke. I think that it must be, but what about those people who live with them? I say, they are, also, suffering big time! This article shows the story of the spouse.

Attracting Love - The Abraham Hicks Secret to Finding Love

I have had a remarkable experience creating a new life. But by far the most exciting thing the Law Of Attraction is bringing to me everyday is love, love and more love! I am 58 and it has taken many years and lots of coaching and yes, even a bit of therapy for me to finally realize that the key to a

Simple but Amazing Ways to Reconcile After a Divorce

Going through a divorce is painful enough, but what is even harder is what comes after it. How then do you deal with a former spouse, especially when you still care about him or her? Simple: Reconcile