Ideas for Decorations for a Quinceneara
- Hang Christmas lights or other colored lights from the ceiling of the hall or use free standing lamps with colored light bulbs throughout the hall. An outside party may be lighted by stringing white or colored lights on posts or from the top of a pavilion or outdoor shelter. Make the lighting reflect the colors theme of the party and cast a soft glow to the room or area. Since the quinceanera extends past twilight hours, consider using different colored lights to accompany the natural changing daylight.
- Most quinceanera celebrations are themed celebrations. Use this opportunity to decorate the party around a central theme. For example, a young woman requesting a storybook theme may have a party decorated with images from her favorite storybook, such as large mushroom wall clings from Alice in Wonderland. A requested geisha theme may be completed with cushions placed on the floor around slightly raised tables for the meal.
- Sprinkle the entrance of the party with dried flower petals. Red roses work well for this purpose as the petals are wide and dry in an eye pleasing manner. Choose a flower well loved by the guest of honor and either ask a younger family member to sprinkle the flowers at the feet of the girl as she enters or sprinkle the flowers at the entrance before her arrival. Use flower petals to decorate the tables. Fresh flower petals can be used to add extra fragrance to the party area.
- Centerpieces will reflect the theme of the party and can be created to be useful as well as decorative. Use small metal buckets or containers and a hard piece of foam to make a lollipop tree. Press the sticks of the lollipops through the foam then add fake grass or jellybeans to the bucket. Use candy jars to decorate the tables as well or place small fruit bouquets on the tables to serve as appetizers while guests wait for the birthday girl.