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Marriage & Divorce : Family & Relationships

Understanding Men: Surprise Us

Do you find understanding men to be a pain in the butt? If you do, hopefully this article will shed a little bit of light on how to get us to feel more affection for you via the art of surprise. We guys are just as human as anybody else.

Precious Love - How It Makes Us Feel Brand New

So elusive this emotion called love; even if you don't know what it feels like, you know it's important. Everyone is searching for it. There's a look to real love. You see in the eyes of strangers passing by. They rarely see you, they are lost in the magic of being together; it's

The 1 Tip to Prevent Divorce - Save $20,000 and Stay Happily Married Forever

Divorce is not the only solution to a less-than-perfect marriage, and like many things in life, it is much easier to prevent divorce than to deal with it afterward. Break things down in your head, and suddenly, everything becomes simple enough to act the way you need to, with minimal sacrifice, and

Communication Breakdown

It happens to the best of us. Communication is such a fickle thing, and the lines of communication can become blurred every so often, especially when feelings are involved. Even those who think that they are immune to the confusion of conflict can find themselves drawn into a communication breakdown

Love at First Sight - Is it Real and Does it Work?

We've all experienced it. We see someone and we instantly feel love at first sight. Sometimes it's even mutual and we tend to think it was fate! We feel swept off our feet. Will it last and is it even real? Should you seek love at first sight or run away from it?

How Do I Get My Boyfriend to Love Me?

The sad news is that it is impossible to do normal things that will culminate into your boyfriend loving you. There are two ways you can solve your predicament, either you dump your boyfriend or you try a real traditional healer.

Love After The Hurt of Family Conflict

A GOOD PLACE to learn compassion and grace is within family - there, apart from our workplaces, we'll never be more tested regarding our patience, tolerance and familial resilience. And even though love wins comprehensively in the matter of family relationships, generally, there are always time

You Can Save Your Relationship and Marriage

I'll teach you my proven method, which I use to bring back my love and keep my relationship alive and how you can do the same if you can apply the method I told you.

How to Save a Marriage - Communication is Key

One of the biggest problems in marriage is that, due to familiarity, couples stop talking to one another. It can start off slowly, particularly when both are working and have little time together. The

How to Stop Being Competitive in Your Marriage and Learn to Work As A Team!

I am always amazed whenever I come across a married couple who compete against each other. Why would I want to compete against my spouse? Think of it this way; whenever you compete against your spouse, you are actually halving his / her chances and yours too really. Instead of wasting time doing thi

Some Tips to Negotiate Along With Your Partner

Divorce papers are legal documents that have to be submitted prior to a court to apply for divorce. These papers have to have to consist of all particulars relating to the arrangements for kid custody, spousal and child alimony, partition of marital property, and payment of debts.