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Blogging : Business & Finance

Do You Hear What Bloggers Hear?

Blogs are an overnight marketing sensation. When someone started it, everyone else followed suit. More visibility. Widely read. And a source of great profits.

So, What's So Good About Blogging?

Blogging, or to give it it's original name, weblogging, started in the late 1990s. I'm not writing a history lesson here, so if you're interested, just Google it. It's come a long way since then of course, and nowadays it is used for just about everything, from keeping in touch w

Getting People to Your Blog - 3 Tips For Free

Do you have a blog that you are trying to get people to see? It can be a difficult talk to get people to visit your amazing blog. You put a lot of work into it and it took a lot of time to get it up and running. Now you just want to have people visit and see what information and opinions you offer.

How to Make a Cool Blog

Blogging is a fun way to communicate your ideas to the world at large. And if you're going to have a personal blog, you might as well make it cool. There are a number of ways to do this, from having cool content to having cool tools built into your blog. Really, having a cool blog is much the same a

Work Hard And Make Money By Blogging As Your Consolation Prize

Sure you've heard a lot of individuals who offer you "make money by blogging" quick cash scheme, but nothing still defeats a hundred percent hard work and effort that gears you towards online business success! A lot of websites on the World Wide Web promises us get rich quick courses

A Few Tricks For Making Your Blog Even Stickier

Getting more readers to read more pages is far easier and more effective than trying to find brand new visitors. It is free marketing and often can lead to a good rate of return visitors. But, what can you do to make your blog 'sticky'?

How to Customize a Blogger Template

Do you want to customize Blogger layout styles instead of using the plain default? To change Blogger template styles, it's easier than it looks. You can actually make your Blogspot have a specific color theme without programming. You can easily customize the Blogger template in a few steps without

Three Advantages of Using a Premium Theme on Your Blog

It's always worthwhile considering using a premium theme on your blog rather than a free one. This article sets out three reasons why you should use a paid theme. A number of suggestions are also given to get the best of the paid theme once you have selected it.

The Top 7 Social Media Plugins for WordPress

Traffic, that is the most important thing for any blogger wherever you are, whatever you blog about and whoever your audience is. The recent growth of social media has even made it more possible for n

How to Use a Blog in Your Online Business

Using a blog in your online business is a good business move for anyone who's serious about building a long term sustainable business online. Just about every successful marketer you see has a blog online they use to stay in touch with there customers and keep them up to date on what's goi

Getting New Visitors to Read Your Post

You worked hard on creating content and promoting your site simply to get people to read your post but yet they bounce … and quickly!The fact is to have a successful blog your readers need to fall in

How to Increase Traffic Podcast Marketing

Podcasting is the latest technology in the internet used by the entrepreneurs to grow their business. This cost effective method is used to advertise your product and create traffic. Learn some of the uses of podcasting and how to implement it in your business to drive traffic.

Blogging Is More Than Just a Journal

Everyone hears about writing blogs now and then but very few people get serious about it. Some people do not even want to reveal their ignorance and to hide that they simply do not ask what they actually are. Perhaps you are asking the same question, well let me help you with this answer...

AutoBlog Samurai Review - A Real User's Perspective

In this article I am going to discuss AutoBlog Samurai from a real user's perspective. There is a lot of hype surrounding this software release but very few real user's perspective.

How To Write Your "About" Page To Attract More Readers

When I started setting up my blog, I tried to do everything perfect for my readers. After visiting a few blogs I realize that besides finding good content and deciding on the outline and theme of my blog, I also have to write something in the "about" page. Please make use of the following

Some Information Is Not Worth The Blog It Was Written On!

Many people search on the Internet for information in order to find just what they're looking for. Often they are directed to a blog, but the question is how valuable is this information and who is checking the data to see if it is correct or not?

Blog Marketing - The One All Important Rule

Think about that for a second. None of us has enough hours to look through the sheer amount of material and information we would need to in order to stay current in our professions and careers, much less study up on the things we'd like to know more about our personal lives.